dmulloy2 / SwornRPG

The mcMMO alternative!
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 3 forks source link

Feature request: pay from server account #25

Closed roracle closed 9 years ago

roracle commented 9 years ago

I have a goal in mind, and would like to see if it's acceptable for implementing. Hear this out:

Users use Towny to buy land etc. That money can be deposited into a server account if using a supported economy system. That is the bank which would then pay out to players for the leveling reward. The money itself is only created when players trade to the bank, and is circulated in the free market.

The important thing is getting SwornRPG to pay out the reward only if the server account has money. This is for a few reasons: no one does anything for free unless it's for themselves. Since MC is all about your own space, we can assume the opposite, that people will work for themselves, and go to the wild on their own terms etc. In this respect, buying land is incentive to get people to work the area, thus skilling up and getting money rewarded, but only if the server account has the money to do so.

IE: it would be nice to be able to have SwornRPG pay rewards from a server account pool of cash. (I'm going to be using a gold-backed economy)

I couldn't find a place to ask, so I will ask here: Is the leveling reward scaled to said level? If so that's cool, if not, it would be a neat feature. Players wouldn't want to level without there being a higher reward for doing so.

dmulloy2 commented 9 years ago

That's definitely possible, I'll look into it.

SwornRPG levels are scaled by 125%. The algorithm can be found here:

dmulloy2 commented 9 years ago

In order to activate this, set levelingRewards.serverAccount to the account you would like to pay out from.

roracle commented 9 years ago

I do not know how to do this, will this be in a release soon?

dmulloy2 commented 9 years ago

Probably not any time soon, but development builds can be found here: