dmwm / PHEDEX

CMS data-placement suite
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Datasvc Inject API: First replica of newly injected files should be 'staged' on disk nodes #1024

Closed nikmagini closed 8 years ago

nikmagini commented 8 years ago

Currently, the first replica of a newly injected file is always created in status 'not staged' (t_xfer_replica.state=0) by the Inject datasvc API.

Any subsequent replica on Disk nodes is created with status 'staged' (t_xfer_replica.state=1) by FilePump instead

This means that the FileRouter will be biased in selecting subsequent replicas, even if the original replica would be faster.

Fix committed in and released in datasvc 2.3.22 currently in testing on cmsweb-testbed, will go to production on 2015-06-07

Note: the same issue also affects replicas of blocks reactivated by BlockActivate.

nikmagini commented 8 years ago

Deployed in production on cmsweb with datasvc 2.3.22 - closing