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Document SRM discovery for FTS #205

Closed ericvaandering closed 10 years ago

ericvaandering commented 10 years ago

Original Savannah ticket 22471 reported by metson on Sat Dec 16 12:58:46 2006.

This needs to be a test tool somewhere to diagnose why FTS/glite-sd-query doesn't find sites based on SRM host names. From message from Stefano Belforte in August 2006:

OSG sites do run an Information Provider, I suspect none told them that they should publish this host name and where exactely to. A similar thing came up on the context of SE naming for DLS: not clear what is the recommended standard for various SE attributes in GLUE, in particular whether the host name should be in GlueSEUniqueID, GlueSEName, GlueSEControlProtocolEndpoint or on all of them, or on some... We did not finish the thread with making clear whom should contact WLCG Deployment to find out the rules, if any. here'is e.g. what Nebraska has from Brian:

If I look up the information for the SRM server, I find this LDAP entry (edited out the boring stuff): dn:,mds-vo-name=Nebraska,o=grid ... GlueSEUniqueID: GlueSEName: Nebraska:srm_v1 GlueSEPort: 8443 GlueSESizeTotal: 0 GlueSESizeFree: 0 GlueSEArchitecture: srm GlueInformationServiceURL: ldap:// name=local,o=grid GlueForeignKey: ... I would think it would make sense to identify all the SE's by their GlueSEName (Nebraska:srm_v1 in our case). The "GlueSEUniqueID" is not necessarily the hostname, anyway - I could set it to "12345", right? The endpoint name is controlled by a different entry: dn: GlueSEControlProtocolLocalID=srm_v1,,mds- vo-n ame=Nebraska,o=grid ... GlueSEControlProtocolLocalID: srm_v1 GlueSEControlProtocolType: srm_v1 GlueSEControlProtocolEndpoint: httpg:// GlueSEControlProtocolCapability: control GlueSEControlProtocolVersion: 1.0.0 GlueChunkKey: ...

so, why does FTS not find in the BDII ? It must depends on how the search is started.

ericvaandering commented 10 years ago

Comment by metson on Mon May 14 05:56:21 2007

This needs to be considered in the new FTS backend.

Project page:

ericvaandering commented 10 years ago

Closed by magini on Thu Sep 23 14:49:34 2010

ericvaandering commented 10 years ago

Comment by magini on Thu Sep 23 14:49:34 2010


this was long since documented in the DDT twikis:

Publication of SRM endpoints in the BDII is no longer an issue nowadays.

Cheers N.