dmwm / PHEDEX

CMS data-placement suite
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FileDownload successfully pre-validates killed validation processes #465

Closed ericvaandering closed 10 years ago

ericvaandering commented 10 years ago

Original Savannah ticket 46390 reported by egeland on Wed Jan 28 11:30:20 2009.

FileDownload successfully pre-validates killed validation processes. From Stuart:


I am seeing some of my transfers are passing the pre-transfer validation check when the files don't exist. I see things like:

Argument "signal 1" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at /srv/localstage/phedex/sw/slc4_amd64_gcc345/cms/PHEDEX/PHEDEX_3_1_1/perl_lib/PHEDEX/File/Download/ line 596. 2009-01-28 10:04:09: FileDownload[13000]: xstats: task=63557384 file=27197347 from=T1_US_FNAL_Buffer to=T2_UK_London_IC priority=5 report-code=0 xfer-code=-2 size=2008858845 t-expire=1233158691.3496 t-assign=1233076598.71238 t-export=1233076621.51298 t-inxfer=1233076962.6841 t-xfer=-1 t-done=1233110374.81901 lfn=/store/mc/Summer08/QCD_EMenriched_Pt30to80/GEN-SIM-RECO/IDEAL_V9_v1/0018/00DB5EA9-5AEC-DD11-8B39-001E6878F716.root from-pfn=srm:// to-pfn=srm:// detail=(file validated before transfer attempt) validate=(Executing: /srv/localstage/phedex/SITECONF/London/PhEDEx/FileDownloadSRMVerify pre srm:// 2008858845 cksum:3801113012 0 ~~ Job exited with status code signal 1 (1) ~~ ) job-log=(no job)

So it looks like the exit code is actually a string? and according to (*) if a string is used with the == operator it will evaluate to 0, and so i validate the file.

This isn't happening for every file so I'm not quite sure what's causing it - running the validate script by hand it seems ok. -bash-3.00$ /srv/localstage/phedex/SITECONF/London/PhEDEx/FileDownloadSRMVerify pre srm:// 2008858845 cksum:3801113012 0 file srm:// doesn't seem to exist -bash-3.00$ echo $? 1

(and it doesnt exist - so that's ok)

So i assume it may be some occasional problem, that i haven't tracked down yet.

The download log is here if needed: (note its a 38M file - sorry I don't rotate logs very often)

The result of this is inconsistencies in TMDB.

This is presumably fixed in CVS, needs testing and inclusion in next release.

ericvaandering commented 10 years ago

Comment by egeland on Thu Feb 12 05:41:13 2009

Fixed in 3.1.2.

ericvaandering commented 10 years ago

Closed by egeland on Thu Feb 12 05:41:13 2009