dmwm / PHEDEX

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Missing Files in a Dataset #975

Open georgemm01 opened 9 years ago

georgemm01 commented 9 years ago


We (Tier3 US TAMU) are having problems with a transfer. It seems like the dataset is stuck, and not transferring at all. We made this request originally along with another dataset, which transferred correctly, then we deleted and re-attempted the transfer.

The PhEDEx website shows it under subscriptions with a 0% and red in the %Bytes column. We re-attempted the transfer about 4 hrs ago and is stalled since then.

Request number:421005

Dataset: /QCD_Pt-15to3000_Tune4C_Flat_14TeV_pythia8/GEM2019Upg14DR-NoPileUp_DES19_62_V8-v2/AODSIM (It's only ~960GB)

(I created a ticket 5 days ago in Savannah with no answer yet, are these issues handled through GIT now?)

Thanks, Jorge Morales