dncR / MLSeq-archived

This repository is moved to archive. See "dncR/MLSeq" repository for current changes, issues and bug fixes.
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MLSeq is an R/BIOCONDUCTOR package, which provides over 90 algorithms including support vector machines (SVM),random forest (RF), classification and regression trees (CART), Poisson and Negative Binomial Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA, NBLDA) and voom-based classifiers (voomDLDA, voomNSC, etc.) for the classification of sequencing data. MLSeq requires a count table as an input which contains the number of reads mapped to each transcript for each sample. This kind of count data can be obtained from RNA-Seq experiments, also from other sequencing experiments such as DNA or ChIP-sequencing. MLSeq includes both normalization (e.g deseq median ratio, trimmed mean of M values) and transformation (variance stabiliation transformation, regularized logarithmic transformation, etc.) techniques which can be performed through classification process. Although the main purpose of MLSeq is to classify samples using a count matrix from RNA-Sequencing data, some of the classifiers which are called sparse classifiers such as PLDA and voomNSC can be used to detect significant features.

To install the MLSeq package in R:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


If you use MLSeq package in your research, please cite it as below:

Goksuluk D, Zararsiz G, Korkmaz S, Eldem V, Zararsiz GE, Ozcetin E, Ozturk A, Karaagaoglu AE. MLSeq: Machine learning interface for RNA-sequencing data. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2019, 175:223-231.

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Major changes in version 2.x.y