dnlnln / generate-sql-merge

Generate SQL MERGE statements with Table data
MIT License
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Generate SQL MERGE statements with Table data

This system stored procedure takes a table name as a parameter and generates a MERGE statement containing all the table data.

This is useful if you need to migrate static data between databases, eg. the generated MERGE statement can be included in source control and used to deploy data between DEV/TEST/PROD.

The stored procedure itself is installed within the [master] database as a system object, allowing the proc to be called within the context of user databases (e.g. EXEC MyDb..sp_generate_merge 'MyTable')

Key features:

How Does it Work?

The generated MERGE statement populates the target table to match the source data. This includes the removal of any excess rows that are not present in the source.

When the generated MERGE statement is executed, the following logic is applied based on whether a match is found:

Use Cases

The main use cases for which this tool was created to handle:


Simply execute sp_generate_merge.sql to install the proc.

Where is the proc installed?

  1. Edit sp_generate_merge.sql, replacing all occurrences of sp_generate_merge with #sp_generate_merge
  2. Connect to the database that you want to use the proc within i.e. USE [AdventureWorks]
  3. Execute the script
  4. Generate merge statements as follows: EXEC [#sp_generate_merge] @Schema='Person', @Table_Name='AddressType'


**This procedure was adapted from sp_generate_inserts, written by Narayana Vyas Kondreddi. I made a number of attempts to get in touch with Vyas to get his blessing for this fork -- given that no license details are specified in his code -- but was unfortunately unable to reach him. No copyright infringement is intended.

Known Limitations

This procedure has explicit support for the following datatypes: (small)datetime(2), datetimeoffset, (n)varchar, (n)text, (n)char, xml, int, float, real, (small)money, timestamp, rowversion, uniqueidentifier, (var)binary, hierarchyid, geometry and geography. All others are implicitly converted to their CHAR representations so YMMV depending on the datatype.

The deprecated image datatype is not supported and an error will be thrown if these are not excluded using the @cols_to_exclude parameter.

When using the @hash_compare_column parameter, all columns in the source and target table must be implicitly convertible to strings (due to the use of CONCAT in the proc to calculate the hash value). This means that the following data types are not supported with @hash_compare_column: xml, hierarchyid, image, geometry and geography.


  1. Install the proc (see Installation, above)
  2. If using SSMS, ensure that it is configured to send results to grid rather than text.
  3. Execute the proc e.g. EXEC [sp_generate_merge] 'MyTable'
  4. Open the result set (eg. in SSMS/ADO/VSCode, click the hyperlink in the grid)
  5. Copy the SQL portion of the text and paste into a new query window to execute.


To generate a MERGE statement containing all data within the [Person].[AddressType] table, excluding the ModifiedDate and rowguid columns:

EXEC AdventureWorks..sp_generate_merge 
  @schema = 'Person', 
  @table_name ='AddressType', 
  @cols_to_exclude = '''ModifiedDate'',''rowguid'''


SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Person].[AddressType] ON
MERGE INTO [Person].[AddressType] AS Target
 ,(3,'Main Office')
) AS Source ([AddressTypeID],[Name])
ON (Target.[AddressTypeID] = Source.[AddressTypeID])
    NULLIF(Source.[Name], Target.[Name]) IS NOT NULL OR NULLIF(Target.[Name], Source.[Name]) IS NOT NULL) THEN
 [Name] = Source.[Name]

SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Person].[AddressType] OFF

Additional examples

Example 1: To generate a MERGE statement for table 'titles':

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles'

Example 2: To generate a MERGE statement for 'titlesCopy' from 'titles' table:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles', @schema='titlesCopy'

Example 3: To generate a MERGE statement for table 'titles' that will unconditionally UPDATE matching rows

(ie. not perform a "has data changed?" check prior to going ahead with an UPDATE):

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles', @update_only_if_changed = 0

Example 4: To generate a MERGE statement for 'titles' table for only those titles which contain the word 'Computer' in them

Note: Do not complicate the FROM or WHERE clause here. It's assumed that you are good with T-SQL if you are using this parameter

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles', @from = "from titles where title like '%Computer%' order by title_id"

Example 5: To print diagnostic info during execution of this proc:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles', @debug_mode = 1

Example 6: If the table is in a different schema to the default eg. Contact.AddressType:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'AddressType', @schema = 'Contact'

Example 7: To generate a MERGE statement for the rest of the columns excluding those of the image data type:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'imgtable', @exclude_image_columns = 1

Example 8: To generate a MERGE statement excluding (omitting) IDENTITY columns:

(By default IDENTITY columns are included in the MERGE statement)

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'mytable', @exclude_identity_columns = 1

Example 9: To generate a MERGE statement for the TOP 10 rows in the table:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'mytable', @top = 10

Example 10: To generate a MERGE statement with only those columns you want:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles', @cols_to_include = "'title','title_id','au_id'"

Example 11: To generate a MERGE statement by omitting certain columns:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles', @cols_to_exclude = "'title','title_id','au_id'"

Example 12: To avoid checking the foreign key constraints while loading data with a MERGE statement:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'titles', @disable_constraints = 1

Example 13: To exclude computed columns from the MERGE statement:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'MyTable', @exclude_computed_columns = 1

Example 14: To generate a MERGE statement for a table that lacks a primary key:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'StateProvince', @schema = 'Person', @cols_to_join_on = "'StateProvinceCode'"

Example 15: To generate a statement that MERGEs data directly from the source table to a table in another database:

EXEC sp_generate_merge 'StateProvince', @schema = 'Person', @include_values = 0, @target_table = '[OtherDb].[Person].[StateProvince]'

Example 16: To generate a MERGE statement that will update the target table if the calculated hash value of the source does not match the Hashvalue column in the target:

EXEC sp_generate_merge
  @schema = 'Person', 
  @target_table = '[Person].[StateProvince]', 
  @table_name = 'v_StateProvince',
  @include_values = 0,   
  @hash_compare_column = 'Hashvalue',
  @include_rowsaffected = 0,
  @nologo = 1,
  @cols_to_join_on = "'ID'"

Example 17: To generate & execute a MERGE that performs an ETL from a table in one database to another:

_Note: When using the @execute param, @batch_separator must be NULL_

EXEC [AdventureWorks]..sp_generate_merge
  @schema = 'Person',
  @table_name = 'AddressType',
  @target_table = '[AdventureWorks_Target].[Person].[AddressType]',
  @execute = 1,
  @batch_separator = NULL,
  @include_values = 0,
  @results_to_text = NULL

Example 18: To generate multiple MERGE statements and then execute them in one batch:

EXEC [AdventureWorks]..sp_generate_merge @output = @sql output, @batch_separator = null, @schema = 'Person', @table_name = 'AddressType';
SET @all_sql += @sql;
EXEC [AdventureWorks]..sp_generate_merge @output = @sql output, @batch_separator = null, @schema = 'Person', @table_name = 'PhoneNumberType';
SET @all_sql += @sql;
EXEC [AdventureWorks]..sp_executesql @all_sql;

Example 19: To generate a MERGE that works with a subset of data from the source table only (e.g. will only INSERT/UPDATE rows that meet certain criteria, and not delete unmatched rows):

SELECT * INTO #CurrencyRateFiltered FROM AdventureWorks.Sales.CurrencyRate WHERE ToCurrencyCode = 'AUD';
ALTER TABLE #CurrencyRateFiltered ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Sales_CurrencyRate PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( CurrencyRateID );
EXEC tempdb..sp_generate_merge
  @table_name = '#CurrencyRateFiltered',
  @target_table = '[AdventureWorks].[Sales].[CurrencyRate]',
  @delete_if_not_matched = 0,
  @include_use_db = 0;

Example 20: To generate a MERGE split into batches based on a max rowcount per batch:

_Note: When using the @max_rows_per_batch param, @delete_if_not_matched must be 0 and @include_values must be 1 (default)_

EXEC [AdventureWorks]..sp_generate_merge
  @table_name = 'MyTable',
  @schema = 'dbo',
  @delete_if_not_matched = 0,
  @max_rows_per_batch = 100