SproutWeb is a responsive online shop application designed for gardening enthusiasts to effortlessly purchase plants, soil, and pots. From a technical standpoint, the application is built using a combination of React.js for the front-end and Spring Boot for the back-end.
To enable comunication between frontend and backend, in /sprount_app/src/api/axios.js replace existing BASE_URL with your own.
Example of configuration:
BASE_URL = "http://{host}:{port}";
By default host is your localhost address. To change it add server.address in application.properties file located in /sprout/src/main/resources.
server.address = x.x.x.x
To connect to the database, create another .env file in /sprout/src/main/resources following .env.example variable format and input variables. To generate key: https://asecuritysite.com/encryption/plain
Example of .env file:
ENCRYPTION_KEY="{256-bit key}"
to start frontend application navigate to sprout_app directory and run following command:
npm start
to start backend navigate to sprout directory and run following command:
./mvnw spring-boot:run