do2bbc / tnt

TNT - Linux Packet Radio Terminal
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Note: This is release of TNT 1.9, originally developed by Mark Wahl. This release is the work of several people. Take a look in ./doc/CHANGES for more information.

QUICK-INSTALLATION, please read carefully

To install TNT: 1) Type "./configure --help" to see the options you may be want to change (for example sound-support is defaultly compiled in). 2) Type "./configure" or "./configure --[ARGS]" to configure TNT. (For example "./configure --disable-sound" to compile TNT without sound). 3) Type "make" to build TNT. 4) Type "make install" to install TNT. 5) Good Luck ;-)

To uninstall TNT: 1) Type "make uninstall" to uninstall TNT. You don't want to do this I think ;-) If you do, all files which were installed (and only these) will be deleted.

Configure-Options: There are five options for TNT: a) sound b) ax25k c) dpboxt d) hibaud (only supported on linux-systems) e) genuser

Defaultly only sound and english is activated. To disable sound: ./configure --disable-sound To enable ax25k: ./configure --enable-ax25k (or --enable-ax25k2) To enable hibaud: ./configure --enable-hibaud To enable newuser:./configure --enable-newuser To enable dpboxt: ./configure --enable-dpboxt (Note: the dpbox-terminal is broken at the moment, so compilation with DPBOXT will fail! Note2: DPBOXT will disappear in further versions, so use an old TNT version, or wait for a new console, I will write if I have the time to do so ;-)

Language: actually TNT supports -en = english -de = Deutsch -fr = french

Enable your language with option "--with-language=xx", where xx is one of en, de, fr.

If your system does not include gettext, you should at the option "--with-included-gettext" to ./configure (mostly older or non-GNU systems).

AX25-kernel support: If you want to use TNT with ax25-kernel support, the only thing to do, is configuring TNT with ax25k enabled. Please Note: you MUST have the axutils installed. TNT needs the ax25lib (libax25.a) and the include-files (there should exists in /usr/include/ax25 for example). TNT searches for an include-dir named "ax25". If you compiled axutils, there must be a library "libax25.a". copy this file to /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib and run "ldconfig", so TNT can find this lib.

With newer AX25-libs, you should use "--enable-ax25k2" instead of "--enable-ax25k"

Please also read AX25-NOTES

HIBAUD: Enable this, if you using a baudrate >38400 to your TNC. (Only supported on Linux).

NEWUSER: Use this carefully. Generation of newusers it disable by default, because it is to unsecure. If you really want to use it, use this configure-option. Because of this, some things have changed in tnt.ini, so take a look at "tnt.ini" in examples-dir.

Installation is easy: "./configure", "make" and "make install". After the installation is finished the program "tnt_setup" will be called. Here you can do some important settings for your tnc, boxsocket or your callsign. If you do not want this, just leave the program.


If you do not want to install in /usr/[local/]... and /var, you should call ./configure with --prefix= AND --localstatedir=

For example: if you want to put TNT completly in your homedirectory under tnt use: ./configure --prefix=~/tnt --localstatedir=~/tnt [--other-options...]

For a really flat installation you can now use the --enable-flat option while configuring. Just set $prefix and activate --flat. For example: if you want to put TNT completly into /usr/local/tnt, just use: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/tnt --enable-flat [--other-options...]

IMPORTANT: TNT can now used by more than one user. Just install TNT as normal, and than create a dir ".tnt" in your homedirectory and put ALL the Configuration- files in it (tnt.ini and the *.tnt files).

If you don't start TNT with a given directory explizit (with the -i option), TNT will search "tnt.ini" (or ".tntrc") in these places: First in your $HOME/.tnt directory, e.g. /home/you/.tnt/tnt.ini Then in the current directory. After this TNT will look in the directory you installed TNT in (Note: the path in configure.h "TNT_INSTALL_PATH" will be hardcoded into TNT). At last TNT looks in /etc/tnt.ini

The same thing is the "tntc.ini" (or ".tntrc"),


Some start-options of TNT have been changed, so it is possible that tnt won't start, because of a wrong tnt.ini. Maybe you should comment out the lines for new_user generation and the line for tnt_user_dir. Take a deep look at "tnt.ini" in example-dir, to figure out all of the changes.

documentation of TNT can be found in /doc-dir. source-code is found in /src-dir. solaris-stuff is found in /doc/solaris-dir. examples-configuration files can be found in /examples-dir.

for information about what has changed, take a look at /doc/CHANGES

Contents last checked by Boris Bruns. (WSPse, 31. Jan 2000)