.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/Pm9Lw8Q.gif
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/VWtzots.png
There is a user panel on the left side of the 3D view where you can export curve objects as glyph files.
You can use the "Toggle Guide" operator to draw a box in the 3D view that will show you how your curve will appear in a 1920x1080 video.
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/ZjfQ4ID.png
The user interface is located on the right side of the sequencer, under the tools tab.
You have 3 buttons for quickly changing the color of drawn strokes as well as a color picker that allows you to change strokes to any selected color. You can also save a selected color as a quick color button.
Change the scale to multiply the size of an imported stroke. Change the speed to increase the number of pixels / frame that will be drawn of the stroke. Change the thickness to set the number of pixels wide the stroke will be.
You can create a decorator around the text as well by changing the decorator value. The available options are ellipse, underline, box, and circle.
Click the operator, browse to the glyph file, and import.
Works like the import glyph function, except each stroke becomes it's own strip in the VSE.
Type a line of text in the text box and click write.
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/Jt7AymM.gif
Select imported glyph strips, then select the tracer strip and run the function. This will add keyframes to the tracer so that it follows along the strokes as they are drawn.
I like to use this image for tracing:
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/nsOUC1c.png