doasync / eslint-config-airbnb-bundle

ESLint bundled with Airbnb config
MIT License
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Eslint with Airbnb style

ESLint Airbnb Bundle JS logo

ESLint bundled with the original Airbnb Style config. Global installation is supported! No struggle with peer dependencies, easily integrates with your code editors.

See airbnb/javascript for more information.

See instructions for WebStorm, VSCode, Sublime Text and Atom


Install it globally:

npm install --global eslint-config-airbnb-bundle

You can install it locally as well:

npm install --save-dev eslint-config-airbnb-bundle

Setup your IDE / Editor:



Sublime Text 3



You can now run feature packed eslint from any directory:

eslint -v

Create .eslintrc file in your project. Setup your IDE / Editor. And be smart!

ES6, ES7, React, JSX, async/await - all new features supported by default 👍

ESLint inside

You shouldn't add eslint to your dependencies. It's bundled with this package, just specify the path if you need. Here is an example for eslint-loader:

  loader: 'eslint-loader',
  options: {
    eslintPath: 'eslint-config-airbnb-bundle/node_modules/eslint',


File ➤ Settings / Default Settings ➤ Languages and Frameworks ➤ JavaScript ➤ Code Quality Tools ➤ ESLint

ESLint settings

Global installation in not necessary for WebStorm, but it is handy for the "Default Settings".


  1. Install this package globally (or locally)

  2. Go to: View -> Extension or press CTRL + SHIFT + X

  3. Search for ESLint extension, click it and press "Install" button

  4. Press "Reload" button or reopen the editor

  5. Go to: File -> Preferences -> Settings

    Add ESLint path to your workspace settings (do not use ~):

      "eslint.nodePath": "/home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v10.5.0/lib/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-bundle/node_modules/eslint",

    Relative path for local installation:

      "eslint.nodePath": "node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-bundle/node_modules/eslint",
  6. Create .eslintrc.js file inside your working project root:

    module.exports = {
      root: true,
      parser: 'babel-eslint',
      parserOptions: {
        allowImportExportEverywhere: true,
        codeFrame: false
      extends: [

    VSCode errors

Sublime Text 3

  1. Install this package globally

  2. Go to: Preferences -> Package Control -> install package

  3. Install SublimeLinter

  4. Install SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint

  5. Run:

    npm bin -g

    ... and copy the path

  6. Go to: Tools -> SublimeLinter -> Open User Settings

    Paste the path to NodeJS installation folder inside "paths" for your OS and save:

    "paths": {
        "linux": [
        "osx": [],
        "windows": ["%AppData%\\npm"]
  7. Create .eslintrc file inside your working project:

      "extends": ["airbnb-bundle"]
  8. Restart Sublime Text

  9. Go to Tools -> SublimeLinter -> Lint this view

  10. You can switch to squiggly underline mark style from Tools. Have fun!



  1. Install this package globally

  2. Go to: Edit -> Preferences -> Install

  3. Install Linter

  4. Install linter-eslint

  5. Run:

    npm prefix -g

    ... copy the prefix path

  6. Go to: Preferences -> Packages -> linter-eslint -> Settings

    a) Check "Use global ESLint installation" option at the bottom

    b) Paste the prefix path to the field "Global Node Installation Path" and append:



  7. Create .eslintrc file inside your working project:

      "extends": ["airbnb-bundle"]
  8. Press Ctrl + Shift + P -> enter "lint" -> click "Linter:Lint"

Custom Config

Add your own rules to the .eslintrc file in your project folder.