dobkeratops / compiler

C/C++ subset resyntaxed like Rust,+ tagged-union/Pattern-Matching, UFCS,inference; LLVM . example:
GNU General Public License v3.0
71 stars 7 forks source link

LLVM langauge experiment,

A subset of C/C++,+more, resyntaxed like Rust. Implemented in C++.

'$ make' to compile & run inbuilt test

'$ ./hack -r' to compile & run example program.

see '' example source;

Dont have a name yet hence 'hack'..

Currently supports:-


example source..

Long Term Goals / project pillars, Prioritized :-

Short Term Priorities


Basically trying to combine everything I like from C++ & Rust, dropping what I dont like, plus what i've always missed.

This could all be done as a fork of a C++ compiler, or as a fork of Rust. however maintaining a fork againt commnity momentum (and trying to make such changes with either complex sourcebase) would be hard.

.. Anything here could be considered 'feature requests' for C++ or Rust.

I beleive C++ can be 'fixed' and improved without straying so far,without sacrificing existing knowledge & code. A C++ compiler could be 'reskinned' to fix syntactic problems?

Rust has many inspiring features but is a departure from C++ lacking features like function overloading that prevents representing existing C++ code; But its close enough to beleive it would only take very small changes to satisfy me.

Also I value performance+productivity over compile-time safety. You need to write tests for other reasons, so IMO productivity for tests will still yield stability... there is still so much you still can't express in a typesystem or verify at compile time.

I beleive C++'s main 'curse' is the way "headers & classes interact", and the asymetry between functions and methods has always been frustrating.(I have worked mostly on platforms where vtables were unacceptable). The standard libraries are messy but easily replaced. UFCS would be a big step forward.

Other C++ flaws are acceptable due to its evolutionary path and need to represent low level code

Rust on the other hand is a little too restrictive; in particular I want to be able to think primarily in Functions & Structs - not classes,traits, or hierachical modules. Rust Traits are good but I'd prefer them optional & duck-typed. Rusts philosophy edges toward verbosity,'costs must be explicit' -IMO costs should be deterministic sure, but typing more for slow code doesn't make it faster- it wastes time on setup,tools,tests.. What is important is expressivity, ability to write optimal code more elegantly. Rust has to over-estimate safety to be sure. Some performant patterns are still safe, without being compile-time provable. empirical tests are usually good enough.

So somewhere between the two is my perfect language.

This is probably all way beyond a 1man project but I'll see how far I can get. Perhaps I can just experiment and converge on whatever mainstream option is closest.

If another language has every feature I want in one place... great, I'll ditch this.

project structure & info..

Open questions...

Rust Compatability ???

Goals In detail:- (a huge TODO list..)

other ideas