Docker container of [Samba](https://www.samba.org/), an implementation of the Windows SMB networking protocol.
## Usage š³
Via Docker Compose:
image: dockurr/samba
container_name: samba
NAME: "Data"
USER: "samba"
PASS: "secret"
- 445:445
- /home/example:/storage
Via Docker CLI:
docker run -it --rm -p 445:445 -e "USER=samba" -e "PASS=secret" -v "/home/example:/storage" dockurr/samba
## Configuration āļø
### How do I choose the location of the shared folder?
To change the location of the shared folder, include the following bind mount in your compose file:
- /home/example:/storage
Replace the example path `/home/example` with the desired folder.
### How do I modify the display name of the shared folder?
You can change the display name of the shared folder by adding the following environment variable:
NAME: "Data"
### How do I connect to the shared folder?
To connect to the shared folder enter: `\\\Data` in Windows Explorer.
> [!NOTE]
> Replace the example IP address above with that of your host.
### How do I modify the default credentials?
You can set the `USER` and `PASS` environment variables to modify the credentials from their default values: user `samba` with password `secret`.
USER: "samba"
PASS: "secret"
### How do I modify the permissions?
You can set `UID` and `GID` environment variables to change the user and group ID.
UID: "1002"
GID: "1005"
To mark the share as read-only, add the variable `RW: "false"`.
### How do I modify other settings?
If you need more advanced features, you can completely override the default configuration by modifying the [smb.conf](https://github.com/dockur/samba/blob/master/smb.conf) file in this repo, and binding your custom config to the container like this:
- /example/smb.conf:/etc/samba/smb.conf
### How do I configure multiple users?
If you want to configure multiple users, you can bind the [users.conf](https://github.com/dockur/samba/blob/master/users.conf) file to the container as follows:
- /example/users.conf:/etc/samba/users.conf
## Stars š
[build_url]: https://github.com/dockur/samba/
[hub_url]: https://hub.docker.com/r/dockurr/samba
[tag_url]: https://hub.docker.com/r/dockurr/samba/tags
[pkg_url]: https://github.com/dockur/samba/pkgs/container/samba
[Build]: https://github.com/dockur/samba/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg
[Size]: https://img.shields.io/docker/image-size/dockurr/samba/latest?color=066da5&label=size
[Pulls]: https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/dockurr/samba.svg?style=flat&label=pulls&logo=docker
[Version]: https://img.shields.io/docker/v/dockurr/samba/latest?arch=amd64&sort=semver&color=066da5
[Package]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fipitio.github.io%2Fbackage%2Fdockur%2Fsamba%2Fsamba.json&query=%24.downloads&logo=github&style=flat&color=066da5&label=pulls