docubuzz / touch-sortable.js

A tiny, animated, sortable plugin for jQuery, supporting both touch and mouse events.
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Yet another sortable list plugin for jQuery. touch-sortable.js is a tiny ( ~800 bytes minfied and gziped) purpose driven library that helps to create animated sortable lists in a jiffy. Supports both mouse and touch events.

Installation and usage

Include the touch-sortable script after the jQuery library.

<script src=""></script>

Execute it against a ul element.


Use the onComplete event to know when reordering is completed. Callback returns the li element that was reordered.

    onComplete: function(ul){
        // Put your code here!


Currently, touch-sortable.js provides support for unordered lists. Define your list as shown. Check out a working example on our demo page.

<ul class="sortable">
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>
    <li>Item 4</li>

<script src=""></script>


An element being dragged around has the class inMotion - which can be used to style in css. Touch-sortable.js assumes elements in list are all the same height.

li {
    display:block; padding:10px; margin:5px 0; background:#eee;
li.inMotion {
    box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3);


Any feedback to make this plugin better is welcomed!

If you have any pull requests/bug reports, raise them up in the Pull Requests, or Issues.

We use the Closure Compiler Service, @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS for our minified version. If you have a pull request, kindly minify your changes as well to help us out!


Jeremy Huang


Ashish Puliyel


Released under the MIT license.