documark / wkhtmltox-binary

[WIP] Cross-platform downloader for the wkhtmltopdf binary.
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Wkhtmltox Binary

Cross-platform downloader for the wkhtmltox binaries.

NOTE: This is a work in progress!


  1. Install package: npm install wkhtmltox-binary --save.

  2. Load package and request specific wkhtmltopdf or wkhtmltoimage version:

    var binary = require('wkhtmltox-binary');
    binary('', function (err, path) {
        // path => /path/to/wkhtmltopdf *
        { type: 'image', version: '' },
        function (err, path) {
            // path => /path/to/wkhtmltoimage *

    * Executable file. This has an .exe extension on Windows.

Use with node-wkhtmltopdf package:

Download the binary and set is as the compile command:

var wkhtmltopdf = require('wkhtmltopdf');
var binary      = require('wkhtmltox-binary');

binary('', function (err, path) {
    if (err) throw err;

    wkhtmltopdf.command = path;

    // .. then compile document:
    wkhtmltopdf('', { pageSize: 'letter' })


These are the available configuration options and their defaults:

    type: 'pdf',
    version: '', // Has no default, always specify version!
    cache: true,
    download: true,      // Returns error when false and binary is not available.
}, function (err, path) {
    // err instanceof Error
    // typeof path === 'string'

Supported platforms