docusign / connect-node-listener-aws

Connect listener example for AWS: a Node.js listener
MIT License
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Connect Node Listener for AWS

This application is a microservice for use with AWS Lambda serverless functions.

It acts as a server (a listener) for DocuSign Connect notification messages. After checking the message's Basic Authentication and HMAC values, the software enqueues the message onto an AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue for processing by other software apps.

The repo connect-node-worker-aws is an example worker application. It receives messages from the queue and then processes them. See that repo for more information.


Connect listener architecture

This figure shows the solution's architecture. This application is written in Node.js. The example worker app is also written in Node.js but could be written in a different language.


A presentation about using AWS as a listener for incoming Connect calls is also available.


Short form instructions are below. Long form instructions are also available.


To deploy the needed infra using the Serverless framework follow these instructions below.

Create an AWS SQS queue

  1. Provision an SQS Queue. Either a Standard or FIFO queue can be used.

  2. Record the queue's AWS Region and URL. They will be used by the listener and by the worker application.

  3. If a FIFO queue is used, Content-Based Deduplication must be enabled. (Or provide a MessageDeduplicationId for each queue entry.)

Lambda Function

  1. Provision a Lambda function.

    Runtime: Node.js 8.x or Node.js 10.x

    Execution role: Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions

    Add an API Gateway trigger.

    Record the API endpoint URL for the function. You will provide this URL to DocuSign Connect.

    Settings for the Lambda function:

    Handler: index.endpoint

    Timeout: Use 15 seconds

  2. Update the code content of the Lambda function to use this repo's index.js file. A package.json file is not needed.

    You can use the online IDE or a local IDE.

  3. Set the Environment Variables for your function:

    1. BASIC_AUTH_NAME: optional. The Basic Authentication name set in the Connect subscription.
    2. BASIC_AUTH_PW: optional. The Basic Authentication password set in the Connect subscription.
    3. HMAC_1: optional. The HMAC secret used by the Connect subscription.
    4. QUEUE_REGION: required. The AWS region for your SQS queue. Example: us-east-2
    5. QUEUE_URL: required.
    6. If a Standard queue is used, do not set the MESSAGE_GROUP_ID environment variable.

      If a FIFO queue is used, the MESSAGE_GROUP_ID environment variable must be set. Use 1.

Attach SQS policy to the Lambda function’s IAM role

By default, the Lambda function will not have sufficient privileges to enqueue messages onto the SQS queue.

Use IAM to add an SQS policy to the Lambda function's IAM role.


Configure a DocuSign Connect subscription to send notifications to the Lambda function. Create / complete a DocuSign envelope. Check the Connect logs for feedback.

Test messages feature

This application and the worker application enable test messages to be sent via the queuing system. The test messages do not include XML Connect notification messages.

To send a test message, use the function's URL with query parameter test set to a test value. A GET or POST request can be used.

Example notification messages

The following files have been pretty-printed.

Integration testing

The worker application includes the test tool runTest.js

See the worker application for information on running the integration tests.


Do not include documents in the notification messages The SQS system will not support messages that include documents. Check that your Connect subscription is configured to not include envelope documents nor the envelope's Certificate of Completion.

License and Pull Requests


This repository uses the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are welcomed. Pull requests will only be considered if their content uses the MIT License.