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Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning Traffic Signal Control
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Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning Traffic Signal Control

Distributed deep reinforcement learning traffic signal control framework for SUMO traffic simulation.

YouTube Video Demo

This code is an improvement and extension of published research along with being part of a PhD thesis. Please cite the following reference if you use this code in your own research:

author = {Wade Genders and Saiedeh Razavi},
title = {Asynchronous n-step Q-learning adaptive traffic signal control},
journal = {Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems},
volume = {0},
number = {0},
pages = {1-13},
year  = {2019},
publisher = {Taylor & Francis},
doi = {10.1080/15472450.2018.1491003},
URL = {},
eprint = {}



Running the code


python -nogui -save -mode train

To learn more about all input arguments, run python --help.

After training has completed, execute:


to create a visualization of actors with different action explortation rates, similar to:


When training, optimal execution requires balancing the number of parallel actors -actor and learners -learner. A simulation with a single intersection can be left at the default settings (i.e., 1 learner and the rest actors). As the number of signalised intersections in the network increases, more learners will be required. Agents are distributed to learners in an approximately equal fashion; each learner is responsible for performing batch updates for their assigned subset of agents (e.g., a network with 13 signalised intersections and 3 learners would allocate 4, 4 and 5 intersections to the learners). Each actor is assigned an epsilon greedy exploration policy from equally spaced intervals between a random policy and a defined greedy policy -eps 0.05 (e.g., with 4 actors and -eps 0.05, the actors implement one of [1.0, 0.68, 0.37, 0.05] epsilon greedy policies).


To watch learned agents, execute:

python -load -mode test -actor 1 -learner 1


This framework takes a SUMO network simulation and develops deep reinforcement learning agents for each signalised intersection to act as optimal signal controllers. A distributed actor/learner architecture implemented with Python multiprocessing enables hardware scalability. This research implements n-step Q-learning, an off-policy, value-based form of reinforcement learning.


Two simple SUMO simulations are included, the first (-netfp networks/ -sumocfg networks/single.sumocfg) with a single intersection:


and the second (default) with two intersections:


Vehicle generation is implemented in class. Vehicles are generated uniform randomly over origin edges with their departure times into the network modelled as a Poisson process. SUMO subscriptions are used to optimize performance accessing vehicle data. Yellow and red phases are inserted between conflicting green phases, their duration controlled by -yellow 4 -red 4.

Reinforcement Learning

The n-step Q-learning algorithm is used to train agents to implement acyclic, adaptive traffic signal control. An agent's policy selects the next green phase for a fixed duration. Green phases can be selected in an acyclic manner (i.e., no cycle). The fixed duration (i.e., action repeat) of the green phase is controlled with -arepeat 15. Smaller action repeats enable more frequent control but are likely more difficult to learn. The agent's state is a function of the density of all incoming intersection lanes. The reward is the negative cumulative delay of all vehicles on incoming lanes. The default deep neural network is a 2 hidden layer fully-connected architecture to model the action-value function, implemented in

In -mode train the actors first execute until all experience replays are filled -replay 10000. Then actors continue to generate trajectories until learners perform sufficient batch updates -updates 10000. In -mode test the actors execute 1 simulation.


Consult the SUMO Wiki and API docs for additional help.

Additional Resources

My PhD thesis on this topic

Some of my other reinforcement learning traffic signal control research