dodyg / practical-aspnetcore

Practical samples of ASP.NET Core 9 preview-5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 3.1, 2.2, and 2.1,projects you can use. Readme contains explanations on all projects.
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Samples for ASP.NET Core 8.0

[!NOTE] This repository is WIP. I am updating all the previous samples from .NET 6/7 to .NET 8. Check the previous stable branch (6.0) if you want to browse the existing stable samples that contains also .NET 7/8 samples.

Greetings from Cairo, Egypt. You can sponsor this project here.

ASP.NET Core 9

You can find samples on new features availabel in ASP.NET Core 9(3) here.

Previous versions

6.0, 5.0, 3.1 LTS, 2.1 LTS


Authentication 5
Blazor Client Side (Web Assembly) 22 .NET8 (WIP), Components, Data Binding
Blazor Server 16 Localization
Blazor Server Side Render 22
Caching 5
Configurations 10
CoreWCF 1
Dependency Injection 4
Diagnostics 5
Endpoint Routing 32
Email 2
Elsa Workflow 14 .NET8
Exception Handler Middleware 2
Features 11
Generic Hosting 9
gRPC (including grpc-Web) 12
Health Check 6
IHttpClientFactory 4
IHostedService 2
Logging 5
Localization and Globalization 6
Middleware 14
Mini Apps 2
Minimal API 36 Routing, Parameter Bindings, etc
Minimal Hosting 23
MVC 47 Localization, Routing, Razor Class Library, Tag Helpers, View Component, etc
Output Cache Middleware
Open Telemetry 3
Orchard Core 4
Path String (HttpContext.Request.Path) 1
Problem Details Middleware 3
Razor Pages 10 TempData
RazorSlices 1
Request 15 Form, Cookies, Query String, Headers
Request Timeouts Middleware 6
Response 3
SignalR 1
Security 7
Single File Application 2
Static Files and File Provider 10
System.Text.Json 22
Syndications 3
Testing 1
Unpoly 5
URL Redirect/Rewrite 6
Uri Helper 5
Windows Service 1
Web Sockets 6
Web Utilities 3
Orleans 5 .NET.8
Xml 1

For Data Access samples, go to the excellent ORM Cookbook. .NET team also has a sample repository.

How to run these samples

To run these samples, simply open your command line console, go to each folder and execute dotnet watch run.

Misc (6)

Server-Sent Events (1)

Markdown (2)

Utils (3)

Device Detection (1)

The samples in this section rely on Wangkanai.Detection library.

Image Sharp (1)

All these samples require SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web middleware package. This middleware is an excelent tool to process your day to day image processing need.
