dofusdude / dofusdude-py

The Python Client SDK for the Dofusdude API.
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ankama api dofus dofus-api dofusapi python python-dofus


A project for you - the developer.

The all-in-one toolbelt for your next Ankama related project.

Client SDKs

Everything, including this site, is generated out of the Docs Repo. Consider it the Single Source of Truth. If there is a problem with the SDKs, create an issue there.

Your favorite language is missing? Please let me know!

Main Features

... and much more on the Roadmap on my Discord.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:


Python 3.7+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import dofusdude


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import dofusdude


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import dofusdude
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = dofusdude.Configuration(
    host = ""

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with dofusdude.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = dofusdude.AlmanaxApi(api_client)
    language = 'fr' # str | code
    var_date = 'Tue Jul 14 00:00:00 UTC 2020' # date | yyyy-mm-dd

        # Single Almanax Date
        api_response = api_instance.get_almanax_date(language, var_date)
        print("The response of AlmanaxApi->get_almanax_date:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AlmanaxApi->get_almanax_date: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AlmanaxApi get_almanax_date GET /dofus2/{language}/almanax/{date} Single Almanax Date
AlmanaxApi get_almanax_range GET /dofus2/{language}/almanax Almanax Range
ConsumablesApi get_all_items_consumables_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/consumables/all List All Consumables
ConsumablesApi get_items_consumables_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/consumables List Consumables
ConsumablesApi get_items_consumables_search GET /{game}/{language}/items/consumables/search Search Consumables
ConsumablesApi get_items_consumables_single GET /{game}/{language}/items/consumables/{ankama_id} Single Consumables
CosmeticsApi get_all_cosmetics_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/cosmetics/all List All Cosmetics
CosmeticsApi get_cosmetics_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/cosmetics List Cosmetics
CosmeticsApi get_cosmetics_search GET /{game}/{language}/items/cosmetics/search Search Cosmetics
CosmeticsApi get_cosmetics_single GET /{game}/{language}/items/cosmetics/{ankama_id} Single Cosmetics
EquipmentApi get_all_items_equipment_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/equipment/all List All Equipment
EquipmentApi get_items_equipment_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/equipment List Equipment
EquipmentApi get_items_equipment_search GET /{game}/{language}/items/equipment/search Search Equipment
EquipmentApi get_items_equipment_single GET /{game}/{language}/items/equipment/{ankama_id} Single Equipment
GameApi get_game_search GET /{game}/{language}/search Game Search
GameApi get_items_all_search GET /{game}/{language}/items/search Search All Items
MetaApi get_game_search_types GET /dofus2/meta/search/types Available Game Search Types
MetaApi get_meta_almanax_bonuses GET /dofus2/meta/{language}/almanax/bonuses Available Almanax Bonuses
MetaApi get_meta_almanax_bonuses_search GET /dofus2/meta/{language}/almanax/bonuses/search Search Available Almanax Bonuses
MetaApi get_meta_elements GET /dofus2/meta/elements Effects and Condition Elements
MountsApi get_all_mounts_list GET /{game}/{language}/mounts/all List All Mounts
MountsApi get_mounts_list GET /{game}/{language}/mounts List Mounts
MountsApi get_mounts_search GET /{game}/{language}/mounts/search Search Mounts
MountsApi get_mounts_single GET /{game}/{language}/mounts/{ankama_id} Single Mounts
QuestItemsApi get_all_items_quest_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/quest/all List All Quest Items
QuestItemsApi get_item_quest_single GET /{game}/{language}/items/quest/{ankama_id} Single Quest Items
QuestItemsApi get_items_quest_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/quest List Quest Items
QuestItemsApi get_items_quest_search GET /{game}/{language}/items/quest/search Search Quest Items
ResourcesApi get_all_items_resources_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/resources/all List All Resources
ResourcesApi get_items_resource_search GET /{game}/{language}/items/resources/search Search Resources
ResourcesApi get_items_resources_list GET /{game}/{language}/items/resources List Resources
ResourcesApi get_items_resources_single GET /{game}/{language}/items/resources/{ankama_id} Single Resources
SetsApi get_all_sets_list GET /{game}/{language}/sets/all List All Sets
SetsApi get_sets_list GET /{game}/{language}/sets List Sets
SetsApi get_sets_search GET /{game}/{language}/sets/search Search Sets
SetsApi get_sets_single GET /{game}/{language}/sets/{ankama_id} Single Sets
WebhooksApi delete_webhooks_almanax_id DELETE /webhooks/almanax/{id} Unregister Almanax Hook
WebhooksApi delete_webhooks_rss_id DELETE /webhooks/rss/{id} Unregister RSS Hook
WebhooksApi delete_webhooks_twitter_id DELETE /webhooks/twitter/{id} Unregister Twitter Hook
WebhooksApi get_meta_webhooks_almanax GET /meta/webhooks/almanax Get Almanax Hook Metainfo
WebhooksApi get_meta_webhooks_rss GET /meta/webhooks/rss Get RSS Hook Metainfo
WebhooksApi get_meta_webhooks_twitter GET /meta/webhooks/twitter Get Twitter Hook Metainfo
WebhooksApi get_webhooks_almanax_id GET /webhooks/almanax/{id} Get Almanax Hook
WebhooksApi get_webhooks_rss_id GET /webhooks/rss/{id} Get RSS Hook
WebhooksApi get_webhooks_twitter_id GET /webhooks/twitter/{id} Get Twitter Hook
WebhooksApi post_webhooks_almanax POST /webhooks/almanax Register Almanax Hook
WebhooksApi post_webhooks_rss POST /webhooks/rss Register RSS Hook
WebhooksApi post_webhooks_twitter POST /webhooks/twitter Register Twitter Hook
WebhooksApi put_webhooks_almanax_id PUT /webhooks/almanax/{id} Update Almanax Hook
WebhooksApi put_webhooks_rss_id PUT /webhooks/rss/{id} Update RSS Hook
WebhooksApi put_webhooks_twitter_id PUT /webhooks/twitter/{id} Update Twitter Hook

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.
