dojo / cli-build-theme

Command for building Dojo themes
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A @dojo/cli command for building Dojo themes that are intended for distribution.

If you are a theme author and need to distribute your theme files across multiple applications, then @dojo/cli-build-theme helps you do so. The build outputs the processed CSS modules, CSS source maps, an index.js theme module with a corresponding .d.ts, as well as any associated assets. The ouput also includes versioned index.css and index.js equivalents that are compatible with Dojo custom elements.

Note: if you are using dojo create theme within an existing application or Dojo custom element, then there is no need to use this package. As long as the theme files are within the existing build pipeline, they will be included in the build generated with @dojo/cli-build-app or @dojo/cli-build-widget;


To use @dojo/cli-build-theme in a themes project, first install @dojo/cli globally (if you have not already done so), and then install the package:

npm install --global @dojo/cli
npm install --save-dev @dojo/cli-build-theme

To build a theme, run dojo build theme from the command line, specifying the theme name as well as an optional release version.

dojo build theme --name=my-theme --release=1.2.3

If no release is specified, then the version from package.json will be used. Both name and release are aliased as n and r, respectively, so the above command can be shortened to:

dojo build theme -n my-theme -r 1.2.3

The above will create a new dist/src/my-theme directory at the project root that contains:

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Licensing information

© 2018 JS Foundation. New BSD license.