dolfinus / 3DAlloy

LightWeight 3D-viewer for MediaWiki
MIT License
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includes/mime.types doesn't exist #2

Closed kristbaum closed 2 years ago

kristbaum commented 2 years ago

Hey, I tried to install the extension as described, but couldn't find the mime.types file. Maybe the process has changed. The documentation talks about a new hook, that would be useful for this:

The hooks should look like this, I just don't know where they should be added:

$mime->addExtraTypes( 'application/json json 3djson 3dj three buff buffjson' ); $mime->addExtraTypes( 'application/obj obj' ); $mime->addExtraTypes( 'application/stl stl stlb' );

$mime->addExtraInfo( 'application/json [TEXT]' ); $mime->addExtraInfo( 'application/obj [TEXT]' ); $mime->addExtraInfo( 'application/stl [TEXT]' );

dolfinus commented 2 years ago


Thank you. I've added MimeHook and released v1.1. Could you try it, please?

kristbaum commented 2 years ago

Thanks very much, it works for me now :)

dolfinus commented 2 years ago

Great, closing then.