dolfinus / 3DAlloy

LightWeight 3D-viewer for MediaWiki
MIT License
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No canvas generated for binary .stl #3

Closed merlinmah closed 2 years ago

merlinmah commented 2 years ago

Hello, I've just installed the extension on a MediaWiki 1.37—love the self-contained nature, as opposed to Extension:3D. Uploading an ASCII-encoded .stl generates an interactive view as expected. However, the binary-encoded version of the .stl results in no image, with the MediaWiki file page having no <canvas> section. The debug console doesn't appear to have any complaints when loading. Both .stl files were exported by Fusion 360 and load in the three.js-based Any suggestions for troubleshooting?

dolfinus commented 2 years ago


Could you try latest extension version?

merlinmah commented 2 years ago

Looks fixed to me—works great now. Thank you!