domcleal / rspec-puppet-augeas

RSpec tests for Augeas resources inside Puppet manifests
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RSpec tests for Augeas resources inside Puppet manifests

rspec-puppet-augeas is an extension of rodjek's popular rspec-puppet tool. It adds to your RSpec tests for a single class or define (or anything resulting in a catalog) and allows you to run and test individual Augeas resources within it.

It takes a set of input files (fixtures) that the resource(s) will modify, runs the resource, can verify it changed and is idempotent, then provides Augeas-based tools to help verify the modification was made.

Setting up

Install the gem first:

gem install rspec-puppet-augeas

Note: The augeas tools and development libraries are also required to install the ruby-augeas dependency.

Extend your usual rspec-puppet class test, e.g. for the 'sshd' class:

$ cat spec/classes/sshd_config_spec.rb
describe 'sshd' do
  it 'should have an augeas resource' do
    should contain_augeas('root login')

  # Expects Augeas['root login']
  describe_augeas 'root login', :lens => 'Sshd', :target => 'etc/ssh/sshd_config' do
    it 'should change PermitRootLogin' do
      # Run the resource against the fixtures, check it changed
      should execute.with_change

      # Check changes in the file with aug_get and aug_match
      aug_get('PermitRootLogin').should == 'no'

      # Verify idempotence last to prevent false positive
      should execute.idempotently

Copy original input files to spec/fixtures/augeas using the same filesystem layout that the resource expects:

$ tree spec/fixtures/augeas/
`-- etc
    `-- ssh
        `-- sshd_config

Lastly, in your spec/spec_helper.rb, load ruby-puppet-augeas and configure the fixtures directory.

require 'rspec-puppet-augeas'
RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.augeas_fixtures = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'fixtures', 'augeas')

If you have custom lenses in your module dir, puppetlabs_spec_helper will deal with the augeas libdir. You will however have to let the rspec-puppet-augeas module know they are not in your default augeas lens dir. You can do so by using configuring the augeas_lensdir.

require 'rspec-puppet-augeas'
RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.augeas_fixtures = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'fixtures', 'augeas')
  c.augeas_lensdir = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), '..', 'lib/augeas/lenses')


Read the spec file(s) at spec/classes/*.rb to see various real-life examples of the features below.

Also see rspec-puppet-augeas-example for a typical working project.

describe_augeas example group

describe_augeas adds an example group, like describe/context, but that describes an Augeas resource from the catalog. The description given to run_augeas must match the resource title. run_augeas is a synonym.

It takes optional hash arguments:

It sets the following variables inside examples:

execute matcher

The execute matcher is used to check how a resource has run, e.g.

subject.should execute

(subject is implicit and so can be left out)

It has methods to add to the checks it performs:

Test utilities

Helpers are provided to check the modifications made to files after applying the resource. Some require certain options, which can be supplied in the describe_augeas statement or as arguments to the method.

RSpec configuration

New RSpec configuration options:

Travis configuration

It is possible to add rspec-puppet-augeas to your Travis configuration. This requires the following additions to your Travis configuration files:

Changes to .travis.yml

The augeas packages need to be installed in the before_install block:

  - sudo apt-get install -qq augeas-tools augeas-lenses libaugeas-dev

Changes to Gemfile

The rspec-puppet-augeas gem needs to be added into the development and test group:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', :require => false
  gem 'rspec-puppet-augeas', :require => false

Changes to spec/spec_helper.rb

These changes bring the fixtures required for rspec-puppet-augeas to work:

require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/module_spec_helper'
require 'rspec-puppet-augeas'
RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.augeas_fixtures = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'fixtures', 'augeas')

Background reading

This module inherited code from the tests used in augeasproviders. The test methodology is described in Testing techniques for Puppet providers using Augeas.


Please file any issues or suggestions on GitHub.