dominicletz / certmagex

Automatic SSL certs from Let's Encrypt for your Phoenix applications
MIT License
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Automatic SSL certs from Let's Encrypt for your Phoenix applications. This is based on the ZeroSSL library which is used for the ACME handshake. Plugging into the sni_fun and the name is inspired by similiar functionality of the golang certmagic library.

This is used in the real world for example on


For Cowboy add to your prod.exs:

config <your_app>, <your_endpoint>,
  https: [port: 443, sni_fun: &CertMagex.sni_fun/1],
  # ATTENTION: Ensure you comment http: out and port 80 is free!

For Bandit add to your prod.exs:

config <your_app>, <your_endpoint>,
  https: [port: 443, thousand_island_options: [transport_options: [sni_fun: &CertMagex.sni_fun/1]]],
  # ATTENTION: Ensure you comment http: out and port 80 is free!

And add this to your deps:

def deps do
    {:certmagex, "~> 1.0"}

You're done!


Generated certificates are by default stored in $HOME/.local/share/certmagex but the XDG_DATA_HOME variable is respected.

This wouldn't be possible without the Acmev2 module from zerossl