dominictarr / jarbarscript

MIT License
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Interpreter for turing-INCOMPLETE subset of javascript (comparison expressions)

pronounciation guide:

Basically, you can implement expressions, but not assignment, declaration, functions, or loops. Just < > <= >= == === != !== ! ?: () . , {} (object literals) and [] array literals (and object access).

Okay, so you just implemented a very partial javascript interpreter in javascript are you crazy? what is the point of this?

Maybe. And sometimes you want user provided code, but you do not want to run arbitary untrusted code. This provides a flexible, familiar syntax for filtering stuff, but does not let a user provided function own you.

Also, maybe you want to be able to introspect that javascript efficiently, and then do something clever with it...

All jarbarscript code has predictable execution time, because there are no loops or recursion!

var jarbar = require('jarbarscript')

jarbar('foo < bar', {foo: 1, bar: 2}) => true
jarbar('foo < bar ? 1 : -1', {foo: 1, bar: 2}) => 1
jarbar('', {foo: {bar: 'QUX'}}) => 'QUX'

