domjtalbot / nx-mesh

GraphQL Mesh support for Nx
MIT License
24 stars 1 forks source link
api-gateway executors generators graphql graphql-mesh nx nx-plugin sdk swc tsc

nx–mesh — GraphQL Mesh support for Nx.

Sponsor @domjtalbot on GitHub! Nx Mesh package on NPM




Using pnpm:

pnpm add -D nx-mesh
Using npm ```bash npm install -D nx-mesh ```
Using yarn ```bash yarn add -D nx-mesh ```

Peer Dependencies

Name Version Required Auto-installed by generators
nx >=15.7.1 -
@graphql-mesh/cli >=0.71.0
@graphql-codgen/cli >=2.16.1


Create a new Nx workspace with a GraphQL Mesh SDK!

npx create-nx-workspace@latest myorg --preset=nx-mesh

See the sdk generator for available options.



Create a GraphQL Mesh API Gateway application for Nx.

nx generate nx-mesh:application my-api-gateway

# Alias
nx generate nx-mesh:app my-api-gateway
application generator output ```bash > NX Generating nx-mesh:application CREATE apps/my-api-gateway/.meshrc.yml CREATE apps/my-api-gateway/ CREATE apps/my-api-gateway/tsconfig.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway/project.json UPDATE workspace.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/cypress.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/src/fixtures/example.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/src/integration/app.spec.ts CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/src/support/app.po.ts CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/src/support/commands.ts CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/src/support/index.ts CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/tsconfig.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/project.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway-e2e/.eslintrc.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway/jest.config.ts CREATE apps/my-api-gateway/tsconfig.spec.json CREATE apps/my-api-gateway/.eslintrc.json ```
application generator options | Name | Alias | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------------- | ----- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------: | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `name` | - | `string` | ✅ | - | What name would you like to use for the application? | | `directory` | `d` | `string` | - | - | The directory of the new application. | | `meshConfig` | `mc` | `cjs`, `js`, `json`, `yml` | - | `yml` | Which config format would you like to use? | | `example` | - | `country-info`, `fake-api`, `javascript-wiki`, `movies`, `rfam`, `stackexchange`, `star-wars`, `trippin` | - | `star-wars` | Which example project would you like to use? | | `babelJest` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Use `babel` instead of `ts-jest`? | | `e2eTestRunner` | - | `cypress`, `none` | - | `cypress` | Test runner to use for end to end (E2E) tests. | | `linter` | - | `eslint`, `tslint` | - | `eslint` | The tool to use for running lint checks | | `setParserOptionsProject` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Whether or not to configure the ESLint `parserOptions.project` option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons. | | `skipFormat` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Skip formatting files. | | `standaloneConfig` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Split the project configuration into `/project.json` rather than including it inside `workspace.json` | | `tags` | `t` | `string` | - | - | Add tags to the application (used for linting). | | `unitTestRunner` | - | `jest`, `none` | - | `jest` | Test runner to use for unit tests. |


Create a GraphQL Mesh SDK library for Nx.

nx generate nx-mesh:sdk my-mesh-sdk

# Alias
nx generate nx-mesh:sdk-library my-mesh-sdk
nx generate nx-mesh:library my-mesh-sdk
Example sdk tsc generator output ```bash > NX Generating nx-mesh:sdk CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/ CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/.babelrc CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/package.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/src/index.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/tsconfig.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/tsconfig.lib.json UPDATE tsconfig.base.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/project.json UPDATE workspace.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/.eslintrc.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/jest.config.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/tsconfig.spec.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/.meshrc.yml CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/src/lib/sdk.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/codegen.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/src/lib/client.ts UPDATE nx.json ```
Example sdk swc generator output ```bash > NX Generating nx-mesh:sdk CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/ CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/package.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/src/index.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/tsconfig.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/tsconfig.lib.json UPDATE tsconfig.base.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/project.json UPDATE workspace.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/.eslintrc.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/jest.config.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/tsconfig.spec.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/.swcrc CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/.meshrc.json CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/src/lib/sdk.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/codegen.ts CREATE libs/my-mesh-sdk/src/lib/client.ts ```
sdk generator options | Name | Alias | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------------- | ----- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | :------: | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `name` | - | `string` | ✅ | - | What name would you like to use? | | `directory` | `d` | `string` | - | - | The directory of the new sdk. | | `meshConfig` | `mc` | `cjs`, `js`, `json`, `yml` | - | `yml` | Which config format would you like to use? | | `example` | - | `javascriptWiki`, `stackexchange`, `trippin`, `countryInfo` | - | `javascript-wiki` | Which example project would you like to use? | | `codegen` | - | `boolean` | - | `true` | Use `graphql-codegen` to generate custom files from the GraphQL Mesh schema. | | `babelJest` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Use `babel` instead of `ts-jest`. | | `compiler` | - | `tsc`, `swc` | - | `tsc` | The compiler used by the build and test targets. | | `importPath` | - | `string` | - | - | The library name used to import it, like `@myorg/my-awesome-lib`. Must be a valid npm name. | | `js` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Generate JavaScript files rather than TypeScript files. | | `linter` | - | `eslint`, `tslint` | - | `eslint` | The tool to use for running lint checks.? | | `pascalCaseFiles` | `p` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Use pascal case file names. | | `rootDir` | - | `string` | - | - | Sets the `rootDir` for TypeScript compilation. When not defined, it uses the project's root property, or `srcRootForCompilationRoot` if it is defined. | | `setParserOptionsProject` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Whether or not to configure the ESLint `parserOptions.project` option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons. | | `simpleModuleName` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Keep the module name simple (when using `--directory`). | | `skipFormat` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Skip formatting files. | | `skipTsConfig` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Do not update `tsconfig.base.json` for development experience. | | `standaloneConfig` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Split the project configuration into `/project.json` rather than including it inside `workspace.json` | | `strict` | - | `boolean` | - | `false` | Whether to enable tsconfig strict mode or not. | | `tags` | `t` | `string` | - | - | Add tags to the application (used for linting). | | `testEnvironment` | - | `jsdom`, `none` | - | `jsdom` | The test environment to use if `unitTestRunner` is set to `jest`. | | `unitTestRunner` | - | `jest`, `none` | - | `jest` | Test runner to use for unit tests. |



Builds artifacts for a GraphQL Mesh library.

This is the equivalent of using graphql-mesh dev, but with extra steps for packaging the library.

"targets": {
  "build": {
    "executor": "nx-mesh:build",
    "options": {
      "dir": "libs/example-lib",
      "outputPath": "dist/libs/example-lib",
      "tsConfig": "libs/example-lib/tsconfig.lib.json",
      "main": "libs/example-lib/src/index.ts"
build executor options | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | :------: | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `assets` | `string[]` | - | - | List of static assets. | | `buildableProjectDepsInPackageJsonType` | `dependencies` or `peerDependencies` | - | `peerDependencies` | When `updateBuildableProjectDepsInPackageJson` is `true`, this adds dependencies to either `peerDependencies` or `dependencies`. | | `codegen` | `object` | - | - | GraphQL Codegen settings | | `codegen.config` | `string` | ✅ | - | Path to GraphQL codegen YAML config file, defaults to `codegen.yml` on the current directory. | | `codegen.overwrite` | `boolean` | - | `true` | Overwrites existing files. | | `codegen.profile` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Use profiler to measure performance. | | `codegen.project` | `string` | - | `` | Name of a project in GraphQL Config. | | `codegen.require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. | | `codegen.silent` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Suppresses printing errors. | | `` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Watch for changes and execute generation automatically. | | `debug` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Display debugging info by applying the `DEBUG` env variable. | | `dir` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path of the directory containing the GraphQL Mesh config. | | `fileType` | `json`, `ts` or `js` | - | `ts` | The filetype. | | `main` | `string` | ✅ | - | The name of the main entry-point file. | | `outputPath` | `string` | ✅ | - | The output path of the generated files. | | `require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. | | `transformers` | `string[]` | - | - | List of TypeScript Transformer Plugins. | | `tsConfig` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path to the Typescript configuration file. | | `updateBuildableProjectDepsInPackageJson` | `boolean` | - | `true` | Whether to update the buildable project dependencies in `package.json`. | | `watch` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Rebuild upon file changes. |


Builds artifacts for a GraphQL Mesh API Gateway app.

This is the equivalent of using graphql-mesh build, but with extra steps for compiling an app.

"targets": {
  "build": {
    "executor": "nx-mesh:build-gateway",
    "options": {
      "dir": "apps/example-app",
      "outputPath": "dist/apps/example-app"
build-gateway executor options | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ---------- | -------------------- | :------: | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `debug` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Display debugging info by applying the `DEBUG` env variable. | | `dir` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path of the directory containing the GraphQL Mesh config. | | `fileType` | `json`, `ts` or `js` | - | `ts` | The filetype. | | `require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. |


Builds artifacts for a GraphQL Mesh library.

This is the equivalent of using graphql-mesh build, but with extra steps for packaging the library with SWC.

"targets": {
  "build": {
    "executor": "nx-mesh:build-swc",
    "options": {
      "dir": "libs/example-lib",
      "outputPath": "dist/libs/example-lib",
      "tsConfig": "libs/example-lib/tsconfig.lib.json",
      "main": "libs/example-lib/src/index.ts"
build-swc executor options | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | :------: | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `assets` | `string[]` | - | - | List of static assets. | | `buildableProjectDepsInPackageJsonType` | `dependencies` or `peerDependencies` | - | `peerDependencies` | When `updateBuildableProjectDepsInPackageJson` is `true`, this adds dependencies to either `peerDependencies` or `dependencies`. | | `codegen` | `object` | - | - | GraphQL Codegen settings | | `codegen.config` | `string` | ✅ | - | Path to GraphQL codegen YAML config file, defaults to `codegen.yml` on the current directory. | | `codegen.overwrite` | `boolean` | - | `true` | Overwrites existing files. | | `codegen.profile` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Use profiler to measure performance. | | `codegen.project` | `string` | - | `` | Name of a project in GraphQL Config. | | `codegen.require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. | | `codegen.silent` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Suppresses printing errors. | | `` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Watch for changes and execute generation automatically. | | `debug` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Display debugging info by applying the `DEBUG` env variable. | | `dir` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path of the directory containing the GraphQL Mesh config. | | `fileType` | `json`, `ts` or `js` | - | `ts` | The filetype. | | `main` | `string` | ✅ | - | The name of the main entry-point file. | | `outputPath` | `string` | ✅ | - | The output path of the generated files. | | `require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. | | `skipTypeCheck` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Whether to skip TypeScript type checking. | | `swcrc` | `string` | - | `.swcrc` | The path to the SWC configuration file. | | `transformers` | `string[]` | - | - | List of TypeScript Transformer Plugins. | | `tsConfig` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path to the Typescript configuration file. | | `updateBuildableProjectDepsInPackageJson` | `boolean` | - | `true` | Whether to update the buildable project dependencies in `package.json`. | | `watch` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Rebuild upon file changes. |


Serves a GraphQL server with a GraphQL interface by building artifacts on the fly.

This is the equivalent of using graphql-mesh dev.

"targets": {
  "dev": {
    "executor": "nx-mesh:dev",
    "options": {
      "dir": "path/to/app/or/lib",
dev executor options | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------------- | -------------- | :------: | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `debug` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Display debugging info by applying the `DEBUG` env variable. | | `dir` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path of the directory containing the GraphQL Mesh config. | | `port` | `object` | - | - | Port selection settings | | `` | `boolean` | - | `true` | Use the first available port | | `port.number` | `number` | - | `4200` | Define the preferred port to use when `auto` is set to `false` | | `port.range` | `object` | - | - | The range of ports to select from. | | `port.range.from` | `number` | - | - | The first port of the range. Must be in the range `1024`...`65535` | | `` | `number` | - | - | The last port of the range. Must be in the range `1024`...`65535` and must be greater than `from`. | | `port.fallback` | `auto`, `none` | - | `auto` | The fallback strategy to use when the preferred port is unavailable. | | `` | `string` | - | `localhost` | The host to listen on (only used for port number lookup). | | `require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. |


Serves a GraphQL server with a GraphQL interface based on your generated artifacts.

This is the equivalent of using graphql-mesh start.

"targets": {
  "start": {
    "executor": "nx-mesh:start",
    "options": {
      "dir": "path/to/app/or/lib",
start executor options | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------------- | -------------- | :------: | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `debug` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Display debugging info by applying the `DEBUG` env variable. | | `dir` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path of the directory containing the GraphQL Mesh config. | | `port` | `object` | - | - | Port selection settings | | `` | `boolean` | - | `true` | Use the first available port | | `port.number` | `number` | - | `4200` | Define the preferred port to use when `auto` is set to `false` | | `port.range` | `object` | - | - | The range of ports to select from. | | `port.range.from` | `number` | - | - | The first port of the range. Must be in the range `1024`...`65535` | | `` | `number` | - | - | The last port of the range. Must be in the range `1024`...`65535` and must be greater than `from`. | | `port.fallback` | `auto`, `none` | - | `auto` | The fallback strategy to use when the preferred port is unavailable. | | `` | `string` | - | `localhost` | The host to listen on (only used for port number lookup). | | `require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. |


Serves a GraphQL server.

This combines dev & start via a dev option toggle.

"targets": {
  "serve": {
    "executor": "nx-mesh:serve",
    "options": {
      "dir": "path/to/app/or/lib",
      "dev": true,
    "configuration": {
      "production": {
        "dev": false,
serve executor options | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------------- | -------------- | :------: | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `debug` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Display debugging info by applying the `DEBUG` env variable. | | `dev` | `string` | - | `false` | Run the server in dev or production mode. | | `dir` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path of the directory containing the GraphQL Mesh config. | | `port` | `object` | - | - | Port selection settings | | `` | `boolean` | - | `true` | Use the first available port | | `port.number` | `number` | - | `4200` | Define the preferred port to use when `auto` is set to `false` | | `port.range` | `object` | - | - | The range of ports to select from. | | `port.range.from` | `number` | - | - | The first port of the range. Must be in the range `1024`...`65535` | | `` | `number` | - | - | The last port of the range. Must be in the range `1024`...`65535` and must be greater than `from`. | | `port.fallback` | `auto`, `none` | - | `auto` | The fallback strategy to use when the preferred port is unavailable. | | `` | `string` | - | `localhost` | The host to listen on (only used for port number lookup). | | `require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. |


Validates artifacts.

This is the equivalent of using graphql-mesh validate.

"targets": {
  "validate": {
    "executor": "nx-mesh:validate",
    "options": {
      "dir": "path/to/app/or/lib",
validate executor options | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | --------- | ---------- | :------: | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `debug` | `boolean` | - | `false` | Display debugging info by applying the `DEBUG` env variable. | | `dir` | `string` | ✅ | - | The path of the directory containing the GraphQL Mesh config. | | `require` | `string[]` | - | `[]` | Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration. |


Name Type Source Handler Config Notes
country-info sdk soap cjs -
fake-api sdk json-schema yml -
javascript-wiki gateway openapi json -
javascript-wiki sdk openapi yml -
movies sdk neo4j yml -
nextjs with sdks - - - Deployed to Vercel
rfam sdk mysql yml -
stackexchange sdk openapi json -
star-wars sdk graphql yml -
trippin sdk odata js API Key documentation


nx-mesh Nx
^4.0.0 ^15.7.1
^3.0.0 ^15.4.0


This plugin wouldn't be possible without the projects from these great teams:

Please show them your support! ❤️

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