Closed DominicHong closed 2 years ago
Can you give me all of the code you used ?
class TestBond:
def global_data(self):
# A 3 months treasure with 0 coupon per year.
bill = Bond(
issue_date=Date(25, 7, 2022),
maturity_date=Date(24, 10, 2022),
settlement_date = Date(8, 8, 2022)
return {
'bill': bill,
'date': settlement_date
def test_yield_to_maturity_no_coupon(self, global_data):
bond = global_data['bill']
assess_date = global_data['date']
clean_price = 99.7056
assert bond.yield_to_maturity(assess_date, clean_price, YTMCalcType.US_STREET) * 100 == \
If I change the freq_type=FrequencyTypes.MONTHLY, the code ran well. The resulted ytm was close but still not precise. If freq_type=FrequencyTypes.ANNUAL, the ytm was far away from the correct answer(1.3998)
Hi - this has been fixed. I added your test
You will need to build it yourself or wait until the weekend and I will push a new version of financepy to PYPI.
Thank you for your quick fix. It seems to me that it would be better to use the ACT_ACT_ISDA convention for Zero Coupon Bond, in case that the period crosses a leap year and a non-leap-year. What's your opinion? Do you mind if I change the DayCountTypes.ZERO algorithm in year_frac() to ACT_ACT_ISDA ?
I'd like to test a zero-coupon bond. I set the freq_type=FrequencyTypes.SIMPLE. It throwed an ZeroDivisionError:
How to create a zero-coupon bond?