domuspopus / overwatch-4v4-all-heroes

Reballanced and improved Overwatch 4v4 All Heroes mode.
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Widowmaker: ideas for additional effect for ultimate #6

Open domuspopus opened 9 months ago

domuspopus commented 9 months ago

As it stands now, Widows ult is near completely useless on this mode given the empty open space. I'd like to give it some additional effect. Not overly basic / boring (e.g. damage buff) but not overly complicated (as random joiners will fail to figure it), something that feels close in spirit to widow herself and her original ult might be preferable but not a deciding factor. The effect also shouldn't make Widow feel overly different from how she is now and it shouldn't be a huge difference in Widows 1v1.

Current ideas:

domuspopus commented 8 months ago

Went with "Viper" effect for now. Drafted at draft-widow-poison-ult branch. Not implemented yet: scoped shots should cause same poison effect as the cloud (no stacking), the poison effect should also cause slow, poison cloud should also appear at the edge of island when widow is off the island but only if she is above 0 vertically (to prevent cloud revealing her position too much).

domuspopus commented 3 weeks ago

Changed my mind. Leaning towards simplest approach: headshots guarantee kill, body shots have buffed damage. Maybe lower the ult duration.