domzae / EavesDrop

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8.0.1 fix: download by clicking "Clone or download" > Download ZIP alternatively just copy/paste from EavesDrop.lua over your own version power gains won't display the type of power in the window

EavesDrop 2.1

Website -

What is it? - A simple combat log that displays events similar to how SCT/D would in a log, using icons to display spells/skills. It seperates incoming events (left side) from out going events (right side) from misc. events (middle).

What all can it show?

Where did it come from? - Original idea by Bant. Coding help/samples from Andalia`s SideCombatLog and CombatChat.

How do I use it? - Unzip EavesDrop into your interface\addons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt. Now just run WoW and once logged in, you will see the EavesDrop in the middle of your screen. Left click the EavesDrop Tab to drag it. Right click the EavesDrop Tab to see the options menu.

FAQ My peridoic damage is not showing up in the combat log or on the screen! How do I fix it? - You have turned off periodic damage on the Advanced Options under Interface options. Make sure the "Periodic Damage" check box is checked, even if you have Damage unchecked.

How do I reset EavesDrop or load another users settings? - EavesDrop uses the Ace3 profile system. By default all characters have their own profile. You may change this for each character using the Profile area of the option menu. You can reset the options for the current profile using the Rest option in the menu.

How do I change the fonts? - EavesDrop now supports ShareMedia, so just select your font from the options menu.

Support Please post all errors and suggestions on using the provided forms.

Version History 2.1 - Fix for rep and honor. Fixed posting events to chat. Added item buffs to buff events. Clean up of combat event processing. Cleanup of combat log pasting, xp gain, and pet happiness. Convert to LibShareMedia-3.0. 2.0 - Converted to WoW 2.4 Combat Log. Converted to Ace3. Added SharedMedia support for font. Tons of code cleanup and performance changes. Moved options menu to WoW 2.4 Addons Menu. 1.5 - Separated out Buff and Debuff fading events. Added tooltip Anchoring options. Added ability to hide Tab. Added new options for opening/closing frames. 1.41 - Fixed bug regarding summary calculations and some skills. 1.4 - Added Waterfall as optional way to view options, Shift+Right Click on tab. Changed to use SpecialEventsLib for buffs/debuffs. Added new optional Combat Summary when combat stops. Added new way to scroll text by combat flags, ctrl+click or ctrl+mouse wheel. Added buff and debuff names that can be shortened using abbreviation or truncation. Added shift+click to add events to Chat Edit Box. Added ability to change Spell School Colors. Cleaned up Drain/Leech events. 1.3 - Added new high value skill stat tracking (incoming/outgoing damage/heals per character). New highs flagged with !'s. Open full history with icon near main tab. Added pet portrait to texture for pet events. Fixed overhealing issue. Changed table update methods. Removed Compost. 1.2 - Converted to WoW 2.0 standards. Converted to using AceLocale 2.2 and BabbleLib 2.2. Minor random tweaks. 1.1 - Upped history count by more than double. Fixed HOT's when in party. Added Frame Fade option. Added Skill events. Added Time Stamp option. Cleaned up pet events for better performance and to account for totems/summoned pets. Added Heal and Mana filers. 1.01 - Library update 1.0 - Initial Release