dondakeshimo / todo-cli

manage todo list at cli
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link
cli golang todo


Manage TODO List at CLI


Table of Contents

created by tocot

Why todo-cli


go installation

This is a simple way, but require golang .

Make sure that you have already added binary path to your PATH.

$ export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
Go version \< 1.16
$ go get -u
Go 1.16+
$ go install

download binary

You can download binary from our repository. Bellow example is for MaxOS.


$ curl -O${TODO_VERSION}/todo-${TODO_VERSION}.macos-10.15.tar.gz

$ tar -xvf todo-${TODO_VERSION}.macos-10.15.tar.gz

$ mv todo path/to/your/$PATH


$ todo --help
Manage Your TODO

  todo [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add a task
  close       Close tasks
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  configure   Configure your todo-cli
  help        Help about any command
  list        List tasks
  modify      Modify a task
  notify      Notify a task (basicaly be used by system)

  -h, --help   help for todo

Use "todo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ todo list
| ID |              Task              |   RemindTime   | Group | Reminder | Priority |
|  1 | deleting or modifying this     | 2099/1/1 00:00 |       |          |        0 |
|    | task is your first TODO        |                |       |          |          |

$ todo close -i=1

$ todo l
| ID | Task | RemindTime | Group | Reminder | Priority |

$ todo add "must task" -d="2021/03/03 12:00" -g="project x" -r=slack -p=0

$ todo l
| ID |   Task    |   RemindTime   |   Group   | Reminder | Priority |
|  1 | must task | 2021/3/3 12:00 | project x | slack    |        0 |

$ todo a "boring task" -g="project x"

$ todo a "important task" -d="2022/01/01" -p=50

$ todo l
| ID |      Task      |   RemindTime   |   Group   | Reminder | Priority |
|  1 | must task      | 2021/3/3 12:00 | project x | slack    |        0 |
|  2 | important task | 2022/1/1 00:00 |           |          |       50 |
|  3 | boaring task   |                | project x |          |      100 |

$ todo m -i=1 -t="should task" -p=10

$ todo l -g="project x"
| ID |     Task     |   RemindTime   |   Group   | Reminder | Priority |
|  1 | should task  | 2021/3/3 12:00 | project x | slack    |       10 |
|  3 | boaring task |                | project x |          |      100 |

$ todo conf --hide_reminder=true --show_config
columnwidth: 30
hidegroup: false
hidepriority: false
hidereminder: true
slackmentionto: XXXXXXXXXX
taskfilepath: /home/dondakeshimo/.local/share/todo/todo.json

$ todo l
| ID |      Task      |   RemindTime   |   Group   | Priority |
|  1 | should task    | 2021/3/3 12:00 | project x |       10 |
|  2 | important task | 2022/1/1 00:00 |           |       50 |
|  3 | boaring task   |                | project x |      100 |


You can choose reminder from macos or slack.

If you use linux OS, reminder feature needs cron daemon.


You don't have to any configuration. You just add a task with option -r=macos.

$ todo a "remind me this task" -r=macos -d=+1m

$ todo l
| ID |        Task         |   RemindTime    | Group | Reminder | Priority |
|  1 | remind me this task | 2021/3/3 01:01  |       | macos    |      100 |

After 1 minute, you will get a message like bellow.


If you push done button, the task will be closed.


You have to configure Slack App. Install Incomming Webhook to your workspace from here and configure information for todo-cli. Member ID of slack shown by profile is set to --slack_mention_to option but it is not required.

$ todo conf --slack_webhook_url="" --slack_mention_to=XXXXXXXXXX

Then, add a task with -r=slack option.

$ todo a "remind me this task in slack\!" -r=slack -d=+1m

$ todo l
| ID |             Task              |   RemindTime    | Group | Reminder | Priority |
|  1 | remind me this task in slack! | 2021/7/20 01:11 |       | slack    |      100 |

you will get a message in slack.

notification in slack


todo-cli is made with cobra, then cobra supports generating completion files. look at cobra document.


$ make uninstall

If you installed todo-cli from downloading binary, please remove the binary by your hand.

$ rm path/to/your/todo/binary


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
