Virtual-try-on with clothes cropping
[Dataset Partition Label] [Sample Try-on Video] [Checkpoints]
[Dataset_Test] [Dataset_Train]
[Deep Fahion pre-trained] [Vgg19 pre-trained]
For Virtual-try-on,
cd DeepFashion_Try_On
python --phase test
For Clothes masking & cropping
cd Cloth_mask
For better inference performance, model G and G2 should be trained with 200 epoches, while model G1 and U net should be trained with 20 epoches. For Cloth mask, training with 100 epoches works well.
The use of this software is RESTRICTED to non-commercial research and educational purposes.
VITON Dataset This dataset is presented in VITON, containing 19,000 image pairs, each of which includes a front-view woman image and a top clothing image. After removing the invalid image pairs, it yields 16,253 pairs, further splitting into a training set of 14,221 paris and a testing set of 2,032 pairs.