dooboolab-community / flutter_calendar_carousel

Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable horizontally. This widget can help you build your own calendar widget highly customizable.
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calendar calendar-widget dart flutter


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Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable horizontally. This widget can help you build your own calendar widget highly customizable. Now you can even add your icon for each event.


This widget is compatible with flutter V3 from version 2.4.+.

New Feature


Rectangular style


Circular style


No border


Marked Dates


Custom Icon Events


Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.


props types defaultValues
viewPortFraction double 1.0
prevDaysTextStyle TextStyle
daysTextStyle TextStyle
nextDaysTextStyle TextStyle
prevMonthDayBorderColor Color Colors.transparent
thisMonthDayBorderColor Color Colors.transparent
nextMonthDayBorderColor Color Colors.transparent
dayPadding double 2.0
height double double.infinity
width double double.infinity
todayTextStyle TextStyle fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.white
dayButtonColor Color
todayBorderColor Color
todayButtonColor Colors
selectedDateTime DateTime
selectedDayTextStyle TextStyle fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.white
selectedDayBorderColor Color
selectedDayButtonColor Color
daysHaveCircularBorder bool
onDayPressed Func
weekdayTextStyle TextStyle fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.deepOrange
iconColor Color Colors.blueAccent
headerTextStyle TextStyle fontSize: 20.0, color:
headerText Text Text('${DateFormat.yMMM().format(this._dates[1])}')
weekendTextStyle TextStyle fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.pinkAccent
markedDatesMap Events null
markedDateWidget Widget Positioned(child: Container(color: Colors.blueAccent, height: 4.0, width: 4.0), bottom: 4.0, left: 18.0);
markedDateShowIcon bool false
markedDateIconBorderColor Color
markedDateIconMaxShown int 2
markedDateIconMargin double 5.0
markedDateIconBuilder MarkedDateIconBuilder<T>
markedDateIconOffset double 5.0
markedDateCustomShapeBorder ShapeBorder null
markedDateCustomTextStyle TextStyle null
markedDateMoreCustomDecoration Decoration
markedDateMoreCustomTextStyle TextStyle
headerMargin EdgetInsets const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0)
headerTitleTouchable bool false
onHeaderTitlePressed Function () => _selectDateFromPicker()
showHeader bool
showHeaderButton bool
childAspectRatio double 1.0
weekDayMargin EdgeInsets const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0)
weekFormat bool false
locale String en
firstDayOfWeek int null
onCalendarChanged Function(DateTime)
minSelectedDate DateTime
maxSelectedDate DateTime
inactiveDaysTextStyle TextStyle
inactiveWeekendTextStyle TextStyle
weekDayFormat WeekdayFormat short
staticSixWeekFormat bool false
showOnlyCurrentMonthDate bool false
dayCrossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment
dayMainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment
showIconBehindDayText bool false
pageScrollPhysics ScrollPhysics ScrollPhysics

With CalendarCarousel<YourEventClass> and EventList<YourEventClass> you can specifiy a custom Event class.


Add flutter_calendar_carousel as a dependency in pubspec.yaml For help on adding as a dependency, view the documentation.


import 'package:flutter_calendar_carousel/flutter_calendar_carousel.dart' show CalendarCarousel;
Widget widget() {
  return Container(
    margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),
    child: CalendarCarousel<Event>(
      onDayPressed: (DateTime date, List<Event> events) {
        this.setState(() => _currentDate = date);
      weekendTextStyle: TextStyle(
      thisMonthDayBorderColor: Colors.grey,
//      weekDays: null, /// for pass null when you do not want to render weekDays
//      headerText: Container( /// Example for rendering custom header
//        child: Text('Custom Header'),
//      ),
      customDayBuilder: (   /// you can provide your own build function to make custom day containers
        bool isSelectable,
        int index,
        bool isSelectedDay,
        bool isToday,
        bool isPrevMonthDay,
        TextStyle textStyle,
        bool isNextMonthDay,
        bool isThisMonthDay,
        DateTime day,
      ) {
          /// If you return null, [CalendarCarousel] will build container for current [day] with default function.
          /// This way you can build custom containers for specific days only, leaving rest as default.

          // Example: every 15th of month, we have a flight, we can place an icon in the container like that:
          if ( == 15) {
            return Center(
              child: Icon(Icons.local_airport),
          } else {
            return null;
      weekFormat: false,
      markedDatesMap: _markedDateMap,
      height: 420.0,
      selectedDateTime: _currentDate,
      daysHaveCircularBorder: false, /// null for not rendering any border, true for circular border, false for rectangular border


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