doowb / watch-cli

Watch files and execute an npm script when files change.
MIT License
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file-watcher watch watcher

watch-cli NPM version

Command line wrapper for gaze to use in package.json scripts object.

Install globally

Install globally with npm

npm i -g watch-cli


watch -p "**/*.js" -c "npm test"


Short Long Type Description
-p --pattern string glob pattern you are want to watch.
-c --command string Command to execute on watched files change.

Multi Patterns

It is possible to provide multi paterns, so if one of the files changed, the command will execute.

watch -p file1.js -p file2.fs -c command

Exported environment variables

Environment variables available from the command string:

FILENAME           Relative filename.
ABSOLUTE_FILENAME  Asolute filename.
EVENT              Event type. Is either 'changed', 'deleted' or 'added'.

Use it like this in Linux/macOS:

$ watch -p '**/*.js' -c 'jshint $FILENAME'

In Windows:

> watch -p "**/*.js" -c "jshint %FILENAME%"


Brian Woodward


Copyright (c) 2015 Brian Woodward
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on March 11, 2015.