dorchain / dcfshm

dcf77 radio clock ntp shm parser
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(c) 2016 Joerg Dorchain

Licenced under GNU GPL v2 or later

This program reads input from a charcter device where presumably a DCF77 receiver is connected to. The input is parsed and written to a shared memory segment, where ntp can pick it up for further timekeeping.

The main motivation was the the builtin parse driver for ntp could crash ntp, e.g. when weird bits came in at weird timing in bad receiving conditions, and to feed dcf time to chrony.

Bug reports and contributions are welcome, esp. for making the code more portable.

Works with USB Gude expert Mouse Clock II

You may try different baud rates. One installation only works with 4800baud.

Put this as DAEMON_ARGS in /etc/default/dcfshm, e.g. DAEMON_ARGS="-b 4800"

Example ntp.conf snippet:

server # SHM driver fed by dcfshm fudge time1 0.450 refid DCFa