dorienh / jesse

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  1. Preprocessing [most already implemented, but needs error checking + PEP8 and improvements to file/class structure)] --> something is wrong at the moment related to normalization and batch processing. Needs some thorough checking. Please check the open issues in the Github.

Please check and address all the issues on Github.

  1. Model
  1. Predict
    • create a predict function that loads the final production model on training + test set and feed in a csv from the data folder: 'production_data_for_new_prediction'
    • output dataframe with predictions
    • output confusion matrix for this data
    • allow me to control the threshold (0.5) for prediction cutoff so that I can increase the precision if needed.

A. Variant: n-to-1

B. Variant: n-to-m


Please push regularly to the repository.

We need easy functions to create/train/predict on new data (from other sources), which we can call from the Colab e.g.:

  my_model = Model_n-to-1(n=14, layers=3,...)
  results = my_model.train(epochs=6,device=gpu_1,data='datafolder',production=False, save='filename')
  predictions = my_model.predict(test_data=my_dataframe)

or a slightly better syntax if you can suggest it.