dorny / test-reporter

Displays test results from popular testing frameworks directly in GitHub
MIT License
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ci-cd github-actions reporting testing

Test Reporter

This Github Action displays test results from popular testing frameworks directly in GitHub.

✔️ Parses test results in XML or JSON format and creates nice report as GitHub Check Run or GitHub Actions job summaries

✔️ Annotates code where it failed based on message and stack trace captured during test execution

✔️ Provides final conclusion and counts of passed, failed and skipped tests as output parameters

How it looks:

Supported languages / frameworks:

For more information see Supported formats section.

Do you miss support for your favorite language or framework? Please create Issue or contribute with PR.


Following setup does not work in workflows triggered by pull request from forked repository. If that's fine for you, using this action is as simple as:

  contents: read
  actions: read
  checks: write
    name: Build & Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4     # checkout the repo
      - run: npm ci                   # install packages
      - run: npm test                 # run tests (configured to use jest-junit reporter)

      - name: Test Report
        uses: dorny/test-reporter@v1
        if: success() || failure()    # run this step even if previous step failed
          name: JEST Tests            # Name of the check run which will be created
          path: reports/jest-*.xml    # Path to test results
          reporter: jest-junit        # Format of test results

Recommended setup for public repositories

Workflows triggered by pull requests from forked repositories are executed with read-only token and therefore can't create check runs. To workaround this security restriction, it's required to use two separate workflows:

  1. CI runs in the context of the PR head branch with the read-only token. It executes the tests and uploads test results as a build artifact
  2. Test Report runs in the context of the repository main branch with read/write token. It will download test results and create reports

The second workflow will only run after it has been merged into your default branch (typically main or master), it won't run in a PR unless after the workflow file is part of that branch.

PR head branch: .github/workflows/ci.yml

name: 'CI'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4         # checkout the repo
      - run: npm ci                       # install packages
      - run: npm test                     # run tests (configured to use jest-junit reporter)
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4  # upload test results
        if: success() || failure()        # run this step even if previous step failed
          name: test-results
          path: jest-junit.xml

default branch: .github/workflows/test-report.yml

name: 'Test Report'
    workflows: ['CI']                     # runs after CI workflow
      - completed
  contents: read
  actions: read
  checks: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: dorny/test-reporter@v1
        artifact: test-results            # artifact name
        name: JEST Tests                  # Name of the check run which will be created
        path: '*.xml'                     # Path to test results (inside artifact .zip)
        reporter: jest-junit              # Format of test results


- uses: dorny/test-reporter@v1

    # Name or regex of artifact containing test results
    # Regular expression must be enclosed in '/'.
    # Values from captured groups will replace occurrences of $N in report name.
    # Example:
    #   artifact: /test-results-(.*)/
    #   name: 'Test report $1'
    #   -> Artifact 'test-result-ubuntu' would create report 'Test report ubuntu'
    artifact: ''

    # Name of the Check Run which will be created
    name: ''

    # Comma-separated list of paths to test results
    # Supports wildcards via [fast-glob](
    # All matched result files must be of the same format
    path: ''

    # The fast-glob library that is internally used interprets backslashes as escape characters.
    # If enabled, all backslashes in provided path will be replaced by forward slashes and act as directory separators.
    # It might be useful when path input variable is composed dynamically from existing directory paths on Windows.
    path-replace-backslashes: 'false'

    # Format of test results. Supported options:
    #   dart-json
    #   dotnet-nunit
    #   dotnet-trx
    #   flutter-json
    #   java-junit
    #   jest-junit
    #   mocha-json
    #   rspec-json
    reporter: ''

    # Allows you to generate only the summary.
    # If enabled, the report will contain a table listing each test results file and the number of passed, failed, and skipped tests.
    # Detailed listing of test suites and test cases will be skipped.
    only-summary: 'false'

    # Allows you to generate reports for Actions Summary
    use-actions-summary: 'true'

    # Customize the title of badges shown for each Actions Summary.
    # Useful when distinguish summaries for tests ran in multiple Actions steps.
    badge-title: 'tests'

    # Limits which test suites are listed:
    #   all
    #   failed
    #   none
    list-suites: 'all'

    # Limits which test cases are listed:
    #   all
    #   failed
    #   none
    list-tests: 'all'

    # Limits number of created annotations with error message and stack trace captured during test execution.
    # Must be less or equal to 50.
    max-annotations: '10'

    # Set action as failed if test report contains any failed test
    fail-on-error: 'true'

    # Set this action as failed if no test results were found
    fail-on-empty: 'true'

    # Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE where the repository was checked out.
    working-directory: ''

    # Personal access token used to interact with Github API
    # Default: ${{ github.token }}
    token: ''

Output parameters

Name Description
conclusion success or failure
passed Count of passed tests
failed Count of failed tests
skipped Count of skipped tests
time Test execution time [ms]
url Check run URL
url_html Check run URL HTML

Supported formats

dart-json Test run must be configured to use [JSON]( reporter. You can configure it in `dart_test.yaml`: ```yml file_reporters: json: reports/test-results.json ``` Or with CLI arguments: [`dart test --file-reporter="json:test-results.json"`]( For more information see: - [test package]( - [test configuration](
dotnet-trx Test execution must be configured to produce *Visual Studio Test Results* files (TRX). To get test results in TRX format you can execute your tests with CLI arguments: `dotnet test --logger "trx;LogFileName=test-results.trx"` Or you can configure TRX test output in `*.csproj` or `Directory.Build.props`: ```xml trx%3bLogFileName=$(MSBuildProjectName).trx $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/TestResults/$(TargetFramework) ``` Supported testing frameworks: - [xUnit]( - [NUnit]( - [MSTest]( For more information see [dotnet test](
flutter-json Test run must be configured to use [JSON]( reporter. You can configure it in `dart_test.yaml`: ```yml file_reporters: json: reports/test-results.json ``` Or with (undocumented) CLI argument: `flutter test --machine > test-results.json` According to documentation `dart_test.yaml` should be at the root of the package, next to the package's pubspec. On current `stable` and `beta` channels it doesn't work, and you have to put `dart_test.yaml` inside your `test` folder. On `dev` channel, it's already fixed. For more information see: - [test package]( - [test configuration]( - [flutter-cli]( - [unit testing introduction](
java-junit (Experimental) Support for [JUnit]( XML is experimental - should work but it was not extensively tested. To have code annotations working properly, it's required your directory structure matches the package name. This is due to the fact Java stack traces don't contain a full path to the source file. Some heuristic was necessary to figure out the mapping between the line in the stack trace and an actual source file.
jest-junit [JEST]( testing framework support requires the usage of [jest-junit]( reporter. It will create test results in Junit XML format which can be then processed by this action. You can use the following example configuration in `package.json`: ```json "scripts": { "test": "jest --ci --reporters=default --reporters=jest-junit" }, "devDependencies": { "jest": "^26.5.3", "jest-junit": "^12.0.0" }, "jest-junit": { "outputDirectory": "reports", "outputName": "jest-junit.xml", "ancestorSeparator": " › ", "uniqueOutputName": "false", "suiteNameTemplate": "{filepath}", "classNameTemplate": "{classname}", "titleTemplate": "{title}" } ``` Configuration of `uniqueOutputName`, `suiteNameTemplate`, `classNameTemplate`, `titleTemplate` is important for proper visualization of test results.
mocha-json [Mocha]( testing framework support requires: - Mocha version [v7.2.0]( or higher - Usage of [json]( reporter. For Mocha >= [v9.1.0](, you can use the following example configuration in `package.json`: ```json "scripts": { "test": "mocha --reporter json --reporter-option output=test-results.json" } ``` For Mocha < v9.1, the command should look like this: ```json "scripts": { "test": "mocha --reporter json > test-results.json" } ``` Additionally, test processing might fail if any of your tests write anything on standard output. Before version [v9.1.0](, Mocha doesn't have the option to store `json` output directly to the file, and we have to rely on redirecting its standard output ([mocha#4607]( Please update Mocha to version [v9.1.0]( or above if you encounter this issue.
swift-xunit (Experimental) Support for Swift test results in xUnit format is experimental - should work but it was not extensively tested.

GitHub limitations

Unfortunately, there are some known issues and limitations caused by GitHub API:

See also


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License