doronnahum / feathers-mongoose-casl

Easily create a Mongoose Service for Feathersjs with casl to handle what resources a given user is allowed to access
MIT License
7 stars 6 forks source link


This package is no longer maintained, you can use the code base as a cookbook reference for some common uses like upload files

feathers-mongoose-casl is a set of services,hook,utils to your feathers server

Please read the Docs

in 30 minutes of the installation process, your server will be ready for production including managing users with @feathersjs/authentication, verify email and reset password with feathersjs-authentication-management, manage rules and roles with casl, uploads files with google/s3/local, send emails with sendgrid/mailgun, validate data with Joi, see api docs with swagger and manage your data with redux-admin dashboard