doronsever / generator-gulp-angular-subtask

A helper generator for generator-gulp-angular to create sub tasks
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A helper generator for gulp-angular generator

*IMPORTANT NOTE: This subtask generator version was updated to fit generator-gulp-angular >= V0.11. **

If you are using previous versions please check at previous releases

Getting Started


  1. Create a project using generator-gulp-angular
  2. After you have a working project, install the generator-gulp-angular-subtask
    npm install -g generator-gulp-angular-subtask
  3. Run yo gulp-angular-subtask and set your defaults
  4. Create subtasks following the examples below

Why should i use it?

For the time been, the great gulp-angular generator does not support sub tasks like controllers and directives.
So i decided to build a helper generator that creates those tasks for me and thought about sharing it.

This project will be deprecated when the team decide to support this issue.


I currently support these sub tasks:


To see the options available you can always use the help option on a task

yo gulp-angular-subtask:[SUBTASK] --help

Note that script-type, style-type and html-type will override your default option for the current command, meaning it is not permanently.

These are the options available

Please note that for the time been, gulp-angular does not support coffescript. I'm using my IDEA's file watcher to generate a corresponding js file.
Also note that you can combine multiple options together.


Default: { language: 'js', style: 'css', html: 'html' }



Factories, Services and Provides

These sub tasks works exactly like the controllers and directives sub tasks. Please take a look at their examples to understand how to use their options.

Values, Constants


These sub task works exactly like the controllers and directives sub tasks. Please take a look at their examples to understand how to use their options.


