dotkernel / frontend

DotKernel Frontend Application. Based on Zend namespace for branch 1. Based on Laminas and Mezzio for branch 2 and above.
MIT License
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bootstrap3 dotkernel frontend-application frontend-applications jquery laminas mezzio middleware php psr-11 psr-4 psr-7


Dotkernel web starter package suitable for frontend applications.

OSS Lifecycle PHP from Packagist (specify version)

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Installing DotKernel frontend


DotKernel can be installed through a single command that utilizes Composer. Because of that, Composer is required to install DotKernel frontend.

DotKernel has been tested with npm v10.0.4 and Node.js v20.11.0.


Installation instructions:

If you have never used composer before make sure you read the Composer Basic Usage section in Composer's documentation

Choosing an installation path for DotKernel frontend


Installing DotKernel frontend

After choosing the path for DotKernel (dk will be used for the remainder of this example) it must be installed. There are two installation methods.


The installation uses the PHP extension ext-intl that may not be enabled by default in your web server. If the installation returns a similar error to the below, check the extension=intl extension in your php.ini.

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
 - laminas/laminas-i18n 2.10.3 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system.

To enable an extension, remove the semicolon (;) in front of it.

I. Installing DotKernel frontend using composer


please use the below CLI commands in terminal, do NOT use the PhpStorm buttons

The advantage of using this command is that it runs through the whole installation process. Run the following command:

composer create-project dotkernel/frontend -s dev dk

The above command downloads the frontend package, then downloads and installs the dependencies.

The setup script prompts for some configuration settings, for example the lines below:

Please select which config file you wish to inject 'Laminas\Diactoros\ConfigProvider' into:
  [0] Do not inject
  [1] config/config.php
  Make your selection (default is 1):

Simply select [0] Do not inject, because DotKernel includes its own configProvider which already contains the prompted configurations.

If you choose [1] config/config.php Laminas's ConfigProvider from session will be injected.

The next question is:

Remember this option for other packages of the same type? (y/N)

Type y here, and hit enter

II. Installing DotKernel frontend using git clone

This method requires more manual input, but it ensures that the default branch is installed, even if it is not released. Run the following command:

git clone .

The dependencies have to be installed separately, by running this command:

composer install

Just like for II Installing DotKernel frontend using composer (see above), the setup asks for configuration settings regarding injections (type 0 and hit enter) and a confirmation to use this setting for other packages (type y and hit enter)

Configuration - First Run

Configuration - Mail

If you want your application to send mails on registration, contact... please provide valid credentials to the following keys in config/autoload/mail.local.php

Under message_options key:

Under smtp_options key:

In config/autoload/local.php add under contact => message_receivers => to key string values with the emails that should receive contact messages

Note: Please add at least 1 email address in order for contact message to reach someone

Also feel free to add as many cc as you want under contact => message_receivers => cc key

Configuration - reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA is used to prevent abusive activities on your website. DotKernel frontend uses the Google reCAPTCHA for its contact us form. You must first generate a siteKey and secretKey in your Google account - Google reCAPTCHA

Update the recaptcha array in config/autoload/local.php with the siteKey and secretKey from Google reCAPTCHA.

Note: you need to whitelist localhost in the reCAPTCHA settings page during development. When in production do not forget to either remove localhost from the reCAPTCHA whitelist, or have a separate reCAPTCHA


Out of the box, we use Doctrine Migrations like detailed below to populate the database. An example file is included in /data/doctrine/migrations. To generate a new migration file, use this command:

php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:generate

It creates a PHP file like this one /data/doctrine/migrations/Version20220606131835.php that can then be edited in the IDE. You can add new queries to be executed when the migration is run (in public function up) and optionally queries that undo those changes (in public function down).

Here is an example you can add in public function up

$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE users ADD test VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL');

and its opposite in public function down

$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE users DROP test');

Running the migrations is done with this command

php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate

Note: if you have already run the phinx migrations, you may get this message

WARNING! You have x previously executed migrations in the database that are not registered migrations.
  {migration list}
Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/n)

After submitting y, you will get this confirmation message.

WARNING! You are about to execute a database migration that could result in schema changes and data loss. Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/n)

Again, submit y to run all of the migrations in chronological order. Each migration will be logged in the migrations table to prevent running the same migration more than once, which is often not desirable.

You can opt to run a single migration

php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:execute --up 20220606131835

and you can revert its changes with

php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:execute --down 20220606131835

This will also remove the log for that migration in the database, allowing the migration to run again with php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate. Note the 20220606131835 is taken from the migration filename, e.g. Version20220606131835.php

Seeding the database (Fixtures)

Seeding the database is done with the help of our custom package dotkernel/dot-data-fixtures built on top of doctrine/data-fixtures. See below on how to use our CLI command for listing and executing Doctrine data fixtures.

An example of a fixtures class is data/doctrine/fixtures/RoleLoader.php

To list all the available fixtures, by order of execution, run:

php bin/doctrine fixtures:list

To execute all fixtures, run:

php bin/doctrine fixtures:execute

To execute a specific fixtures, run:

php bin/doctrine fixtures:execute --class=RoleLoader

Fixtures can and should be ordered to ensure database consistency, more on ordering fixtures can be found here :

Development mode

composer development-status
composer development-enable
composer development-disable

Charset recommendation: utf8mb4_general_ci

Using DebugBar

DotKernel comes with its own DebugBar already installed and configured, but disabled by default.

In order to enable it, you need to clone the config file config/autoload/debugbar.local.php.dist as config/autoload/debugbar.local.php.

More about DebugBar here.

Email Templates

These are the email templates provided on a fresh installation, all present in the User module

NPM Commands

To install dependencies into the node_modules directory run this command.

npm install

The watch command compiles the components then watches the files and recompiles when one of them changes.

npm run watch

After all updates are done, this command compiles the assets locally, minifies them and makes them ready for production.

npm run prod

Authorization Guards

The packages responsible for restricting access to certain parts of the application are dot-rbac-guard and dot-rbac. These packages work together to create an infrastructure that is customizable and diversified to manage user access to the platform by specifying the type of role the user has.

The file provides multiple configurations specifying multiple roles as well as the types of permissions to which these roles have access.

//example of a flat RBAC model that specifies two types of roles as well as their permission
    'roles' => [
                'admin' => [
                    'permissions' => [
                'user' => [
                    'permissions' => [

The file provides configuration to restrict access to certain actions based on the permissions defined in so basically we have to add the permissions in the dot-rbac configuration file first to specify the action restriction permissions.

// configuration example to restrict certain actions of some routes based on the permissions specified in the dot-rbac configuration file
    'rules' => [
                        'route' => 'account',
                        'actions' => [//list of actions to apply , or empty array for all actions
                        'permissions' => ['authenticated']
                        'route' => 'admin',
                        'actions' => [
                         'permissions' => [
                            //list of roles to allow


The local.php.dist file provides an example for working with multiple languages. The translator variable can be expanded to other languages using Poedit which can edit .po files like the example in data/language/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po. The compiled file will have the extension .mo

To apply the translations

NOTE: In order to have a proper behaviour of language selector , you need the language pack installed at Operating System level.

dnf install glibc-all-langpacks

Then restart PHP-FPM.

Running the application

We recommend running your applications in WSL:

You should see the DotKernel Frontend welcome page.


If config-cache.php is present that config will be loaded regardless of the ConfigAggregator::ENABLE_CACHE in config/autoload/

  • Development only: session.cookie_secure does not work locally so make sure you modify your local.php, as per the following:
    # other code

return [

other configurations...

'session_config' => [
    'cookie_secure' => false,


Do not change this in `local.php.dist` as well because this value should remain `true` on production.