dotnet-websharper / google.maps

WebSharper bindings to Google Maps API
Apache License 2.0
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Add interactive maps to your web applications! ...Without a single line of JavaScript.

The Google Map API, version 3.13, enables you to create rich, interactive maps, street views, route planning, and much more. Go and check out their homepage.

With this WebSharper Extension you can develop WebSharper applications that use the Google Maps API using nothing but F# code.


This extension is compatible with WebSharper 2.4. To obtain the latest extension binaries, install the WebSharper.Google.Maps NuGet package, and use as you would a regular .NET library.

The source code for the extension is available on both Bitbucket (Mercurial) or GitHub (Git):


The Google maps API is a free service that is available to every page that is free for its users. You can check the specific terms of service here.

The version 3.0 of the Google Maps API does not require a key. The extension will generate code similar to the following for your pages:

<script type="text/javascript"


This extension provides a set of classes almost identical to the ones documented in the Google Maps API v3. When used in WebSharper projects, these stub classes delegate the work to the actual classes implemented in Google Maps API.

A Simple Map

Creating a map typically involves 3 steps:

The first two steps are independent of the functionality. For this you can create a simple helper function that receives a function that takes as a parameter the initialized map:

open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Google

let Sample buildMap =
    Div [Attr.Style "padding-bottom:20px; width:500px; height:300px;"]
    |>! OnAfterRender (fun mapElement ->
        let center = new Maps.LatLng(37.4419, -122.1419)
        let options = new Maps.MapOptions(center, MapTypeId.ROADMAP, 8)
        let map = new Maps.Map(mapElement.Dom, options)
        buildMap map)

A <div> element is created at line 3. The size of the <div> will determine the size of the map. You can set all the style properties you want in this step, including padding or margins.

It is necessary to initialize the map using the OnAfterRender method (line 4). The Maps API requires that the element is already attached to the DOM before initializing the map. Doing the Map initialization after the widget rendering makes sure that this condition holds.