dotnet / eShop

A reference .NET application implementing an eCommerce site
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Unable to login to app when using Duende Identity Server #380

Closed normandev92 closed 2 days ago

normandev92 commented 2 weeks ago

I get this error when logging in with the MAUI App.

I have all the projects running and I can log into the app using the Website.

System.InvalidOperationException Message=Error loading discovery document: Error connecting to https://localhost:5243/.well-known/openid-configuration. Connection failure.

jamesmontemagno commented 1 week ago

We just pushed out some new updated here. @michaelstonis to confirm.

normandev92 commented 1 week ago

So I pulled the latest changes but it didn't work on the Android Emulator.

Just an FYI, I have got it to work on the android emulator by applying some code changes myself.

I followed steps from these pages

What is the goal of the MAUI Client app? Is it to run on IOS, Android and Windows with minimal/zero code changes? Or a developers expected to make the configuration changes themselves to get it to work?

Can I submit a PR with my changes. They seam to work on the Android Emulator.

normandev92 commented 1 week ago

Submitted here

jamesmontemagno commented 1 week ago

Should work out of the box, been a work in progress though. Will take a look at your PR, appreciate it.