dotnet / eShop

A reference .NET application implementing an eCommerce site
MIT License
4.3k stars 1.18k forks source link

eShop Reference Application - "AdventureWorks"

A reference .NET application implementing an e-commerce website using a services-based architecture.

eShop Reference Application architecture diagram

eShop homepage screenshot

Getting Started


Windows with Visual Studio

Mac, Linux, & Windows without Visual Studio

Note: These commands may require sudo

Note: When running on Mac with Apple Silicon (M series processor), Rosetta 2 for grpc-tools.

Running the solution

[!WARNING] Remember to ensure that Docker is started

You may need to install ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificates first, and then close all browser tabs. Learn more at

Azure Open AI

When using Azure OpenAI, inside eShop.AppHost/appsettings.json, add the following section:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "OpenAi": "Endpoint=xxx;Key=xxx;"

Replace the values with your own. Then, in the eShop.AppHost Program.cs, set this value to true

bool useOpenAI = false;

Here's additional guidance on the .NET Aspire OpenAI component.

Use Azure Developer CLI

You can use the Azure Developer CLI to run this project on Azure with only a few commands. Follow the next instructions:


For more information on contributing to this repo, read the contribution documentation and the Code of Conduct.

Sample data

The sample catalog data is defined in catalog.json. Those product names, descriptions, and brand names are fictional and were generated using GPT-35-Turbo, and the corresponding product images were generated using DALL·E 3.

eShop on Azure

For a version of this app configured for deployment on Azure, please view the eShop on Azure repo.