dotnet / infer

Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models
MIT License
1.54k stars 229 forks source link
bayesian-inference machine-learning


Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming.

One can use Infer.NET to solve many different kinds of machine learning problems - from standard problems like classification, recommendation or clustering through to customised solutions to domain-specific problems.

Infer.NET has been used in a wide variety of domains including information retrieval, bioinformatics, epidemiology, vision, and many others.


Build Status

Windows Win Release
Linux Linux Release
macOS macOS Release

Installing pre-built binaries

Binaries for Infer.NET are located on These binaries are cross-platform and work anywhere that .NET is supported, so there is no need to select your platform. The core packages target .NET Standard 2.0, making them useable from any project that targets .NET framework version 4.6.2 or .NET Core 3.1, as explained at .NET implementation support. You do not need to clone the GitHub repository to use the pre-built binaries.

There currently are four maintained Infer.NET nuget packages:

  1. Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic contains classes and methods needed to execute the inference code.
  2. Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Compiler contains the Infer.NET Compiler, which takes model descriptions written using the Infer.NET API and converts them into inference code. It also contains utilities for the visualization of the generated code.
  3. Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Learners contains complete machine learning applications including a classifier and a recommender system.
  4. Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Visualizers.Windows contains an alternative .NET Framework and Windows specific set of visualization tools for exploring and analyzing models.

NuGet packages do not need to be manually downloaded. Instead, you add the package name to your project file, and the binaries are downloaded automatically when the project is compiled. Most code editors have an option to add a NuGet package reference to an existing project file. For example, in Visual Studio 2017 for Windows, you select Project -> Manage NuGet packages.

.NET Core 3.1 provides command-line tools for creating and editing project files. Using the command line, you can add a NuGet package reference to an existing project file with:

dotnet add package Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic
dotnet add package Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Compiler
dotnet add package Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Learners

Tutorials and Examples

There is a getting started guide on

More tutorials and examples can be found on the Infer.NET website.


Documentation can be found on the Infer.NET website.

Structure of Repository

Building Infer.NET from its source code

Please, refer to our building guide.


We welcome contributions! Please review our contribution guide.

When submitting pull request with changed or added factor, please make sure you updated factor documentation as described here.


Infer.NET is licensed under the MIT license.

.NET Foundation

Infer.NET is a .NET Foundation project. It's also a part of ML.NET machine learning framework.

There are many .NET related projects on GitHub.