dotpay / Mobile-SDK-Android

Mobile SDK Android
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Mobile Dotpay SDK for Android

SDK logo

SDK (Android) Version 2.0.203


To use this library, you need to edit your .gradle files AND integrate Visa Checkout SDK:


Add this to your build.gradle files:

// Project build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'

// Module build.gradle
dependencies {

    // needed to compile Visa Checkout .aar, see paragraph below
    implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'], dir: 'libs')

    // Standard Dotpay SDK version
    implementation('pl.mobiltek.paymentsmobile:dotpay:2.0.203@aar') {
        transitive = true

    // OR

    // Dotpay SDK with Google Pay integration
    implementation('pl.mobiltek.paymentsmobile:dotpay-googlepay:2.0.203@aar') {
        transitive = true

In your AndroidManifest.xml file:


Visa Checkout SDK

This library uses Visa Checkout SDK. It is not distributed as a gradle dependency, therefore you have to add it as external library by yourself.

Please use corresponding version according to your Dotpay SDK version as in table below.

Dotpay SDK version Visa Checkout SDK version
2.0.203+ 7.3.0

You can download your Visa Checkout SDK .aar file from 'visa_checkout_sdk' directory of this repository.

Change 'Android' to 'Project' View in Android Studio, and put library in 'libs' directory (create it if needed) like in image below.
