doubtfire-lms / doubtfire-web

Angular web application for the Doubtfire front-end
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
45 stars 332 forks source link

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Doubtfire Web CI

A modern, lightweight learning management system.

🛠 Migration Status: In Development

Doubtfire web migration from AngularJS/Coffeescript to Angular/Typescript, including refactoring all components, is currently in development.

See the progress of component migration below.

Migration Progress


73 / 132 components migrated



Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Resources
  3. Contributing
  4. Deployment
  5. License

Getting Started

If you will be using Docker, follow the instructions there.

Before you get started, make sure you have the Doubtfire API up and running. You will need to do this before continuing.

First, clone the web repository, and change to the root directory:

git clone
cd ./doubtfire-web

You can automate the installation process by running the automated setup script:


Or, you can continue following the below steps to manually install doubtfire-web.

Install Node.js either by downloading it and installing it manually, or via Homebrew on OS X:

brew install node

or by using apt-get on Linux:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs

Install Ruby SASS:

gem install sass

If gem fails, you should read the Doubtfire API README to install ruby. If you are not using rbenv, e.g., using Docker instead, you may need to prepend sudo to the above commands to have root write access.

If using rbenv, rehash to ensure each of the gems are on your PATH:

rbenv rehash

Install all node dependencies using npm, as well as grunt-cli globally:

npm install

Note: You may need to install grunt-cli globally in Linux using sudo.

Lastly, to compile and run a watch server and web server, use npm start:

npm start

This will automatically run the angular 1 grunt watch, and the angular 7 ng serve.

You can then navigate to the Doubtfire web interface at http://localhost:8000.


To compile the front-end, ensure doubtfire-api is placed as a sibling directory to doubtfire-web, then run:

cd /path/to/repos
doubtfire-api    doubtfire-web
cd ./doubtfire-api
grunt deploy

You may prefix this command with the following environment variables:


Doubtfire Web is an Angular application built using Bootstrap. It uses many Open Source libraries, which you can read up on:


Refer to


Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3