douglasrizzo / dodo_detector_ros

Object detection from images/point cloud using ROS
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
54 stars 11 forks source link
computer-vision kinect kinect-v2 object-detection opencv3 ros tensorflow tensorflow-models

Object detection from images/point cloud using ROS

This ROS package creates an interface with dodo detector, a Python package that detects objects from images.

This package makes information regarding detected objects available in a topic, using a special kind of message.

When using an OpenNI-compatible sensor (like Kinect) the package uses point cloud information to locate objects in the world, wrt. to the sensor.

Click the image below for a YouTube video showcasing the package at work.

Youtube video


This repo is a ROS package, so it should be put alongside your other ROS packages inside the src directory of your catkin workspace.

The package depends mainly on a Python package, also created by me, called dodo detector. Check the README file over there for a list of dependencies unrelated to ROS, but related to object detection in Python.

Other ROS-related dependencies are listed on package.xml. If you want to use the provided launch files, you are going to need uvc_camera to start a webcam, freenect to access a Kinect for Xbox 360 or libfreenect2 and iai_kinect2 to start a Kinect for Xbox One.

If you use other kinds of sensor, make sure they provide an image topic and an optional point cloud topic, which will be needed later.


To use the package, first open the configuration file provided in config/main_config.yaml. These two global parameters must be configured for all types of detectors:

Then, select which type of detector the package will use by setting the detector_type parameter. Acceptable values are sift, rootsift, tf1 or tf2.

TensorFlow-based detectors

tf1 and tf2 detectors use the TensorFlow Object Detection API.

TensorFlow 1 (for Python 2.7 and ROS Melodic Morenia downwards)

tf1 uses version 1 of the API, which works with TensorFlow 1.13 up until 1.15. It expects a label map and an inference graph. You can find these files here or provide your own. After you have these files, configure the following parameters in config/main_config.yaml:

TensorFlow 2 (for Python 3 and ROS Noetic Ninjemys upwards)

tf2 uses version 2 of the API, which works with TensorFlow 2. It expects a label map and a directory with the exported model. You can find these files here or provide your own. After you have these files, configure the following parameters in config/main_config.yaml:

Take a look here to understand how these parameters are used by the backend.

OpenCV keypoint-based detectors

If sift or rootsift are chosen, a keypoint object detector will be used. The following parameters must be set in config/main_config.yaml:

Start the package

After all this configuration, you are ready to start the package. Either create your own .launch file or use one of the files provided in the launch directory of the repo.

In your launch file, load the config/main_config.yaml file you just configured in the previous step and provide an image_topic parameter to the node of the dodo_detector_ros package. This is the image topic that the package will use as input to detect objects.

You can also provide a point_cloud_topic parameter, which the package will use to position the objects detected in the image_topic in 3D space by publishing a TF for each detected object.

launch file examples

The example below initializes a webcam feed using the uvc_camera package and detects objects from the image_raw topic:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <node name="camera" output="screen" pkg="uvc_camera" type="uvc_camera_node"/>

    <node name="dodo_detector_ros" pkg="dodo_detector_ros" type="" output="screen">
        <rosparam command="load" file="$(find dodo_detector_ros)/config/main_config.yaml"/>
        <param name="image_topic" value="/image_raw" />

The example below initializes a Kinect using the freenect package and subscribes to camera/rgb/image_color for images and /camera/depth/points for the point cloud:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <include file="$(find freenect_launch)/launch/freenect.launch"/>

    <node name="dodo_detector_ros" pkg="dodo_detector_ros" type="" output="screen">
        <rosparam command="load" file="$(find dodo_detector_ros)/config/main_config.yaml"/>
        <param name="image_topic" value="/camera/rgb/image_color" />
        <param name="point_cloud_topic" value="/camera/depth/points" />

This example initializes a Kinect for Xbox One, using libfreenect2 and iai_kinect2 to connect to the device and subscribes to /kinect2/hd/image_color for images and /kinect2/hd/points for the point cloud. You can copy the launch file and use the sd and qhd topics instead of hd if you need more performance.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <include file="$(find kinect2_bridge)/launch/kinect2_bridge.launch">
        <param name="_depth_method" value="cpu" type="str"/>

    <node name="dodo_detector_ros" pkg="dodo_detector_ros" type="" output="screen">
        <rosparam command="load" file="$(find dodo_detector_ros)/config/main_config.yaml"/>
        <param name="image_topic" value="/kinect2/hd/image_color" />
        <param name="point_cloud_topic" value="/kinect2/hd/points" />

These three launch files are provided inside the launch directory.