doums / tenaille.nvim

nvim plugin to wrap the visual selection in brackets and quotes
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autopair bracket neovim nvim pair plugin quotes


Wrap the visual selection in brackets and quotes


As usual using your plugin manager, e.g. lazy.nvim

local P = {
  -- plugin spec
  config = true,


local tenaille = require('tenaille')

-- Default config
  -- generate default mapping for each pair using
  -- <leader>_open-character_
  -- i.e.
  -- <leader>" for double quotes ""
  -- <leader>[ for brackets []
  -- <leader>{ for curly braces {} and so on...
  default_mapping = true,
  -- supported brackets and quotes pairs
  -- ⚠ only 2 character pairs are supported
  pairs = {
    { '"', '"' },
    { "'", "'" },
    { '`', '`' },
    { '{', '}' },
    { '[', ']' },
    { '(', ')' },
    { '<', '>' },


Select the text you want to wrap then press the relevant key mapping

before key after
\|text\| <Leader>[ [\|text\|]
\|text\| <Leader>" "\|text\|"
\|[text]\| <Leader>( (\|text\|)
\|"text"\| <Leader>' '\|text\|'
\|"text"\| <Leader>" "\|text\|"

|…| selection

note: multiline selections are supported

Custom mapping

  -- disable default key mapping
  default_mapping = false,

local wrap = require('tenaille').wrap

vim.keymap.set('v', '"', function() wrap({ '"', '"' }) end)
vim.keymap.set('v', "'", function() wrap({ "'", "'" }) end)
vim.keymap.set('v', '`', function() wrap({ '`', '`' }) end)
vim.keymap.set('v', '(', function() wrap({ '(', ')' }) end)
vim.keymap.set('v', '[', function() wrap({ '[', ']' }) end)
vim.keymap.set('v', '{', function() wrap({ '{', '}' }) end)
vim.keymap.set('v', '<', function() wrap({ '<', '>' }) end)


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