emonWeb is built with Rails 3.2 and is a port from emonCMS (which is built in php).
emonCMS (and therefore emonWeb as well) is a powerful open-source web-app for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data to be used with the Open Energy Monitor.
The Open Energy Monitor is a project to develop and build open-source energy monitoring, control and analysis tools for energy efficiency and distributed renewable microgeneration.
The core team of the Open Energy Monitor exists of:
See the Wiki for more explanation or try it out on emonWeb.org yourself!
EmonWeb is tested with ruby 1.9.3 (for installation with RVM see Install Ruby Version Manager )
git clone git@github.com:dovadi/emonWeb.git
cd emonWeb
gem install bundler
bundle install
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
rails server
See for usage the (.rvmrc instructions)[http://beginrescueend.com/workflow/rvmrc/]
cp _rvmrc .rvmrc
With the use of guard (and Spork):
gem install rb-fsevent
gem install growl_notify
gem install rb-inotify
gem install libnotify
emonWeb is funded and maintained by Agile Dovadi BV, contact Frank Oxener
emonWeb is open sourced under the MIT license