dpage / winpgbuild

A repo containing Github actions for building PostgreSQL and it's dependencies on Windows
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A repo containing Github actions for building PostgreSQL and it's dependencies on Windows. A number of build tools are also included to enable reproducable builds, though these are generally downloaded as pre-built utilities.

Version Information

Versions for each artifact are specified in manifest.json




The PostgreSQL versions are being built are:

Currently supported versions of PostgreSQL <= 16 should work. All dependencies should automatically be included in the build, except for MIT Kerberos (the gssapi configuration option). See https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CA%2BOCxoxwsgi8QdzN8A0OPGuGfu_1vEW3ufVBnbwd3gfawVpsXw%40mail.gmail.com for more information.

Adding a package.

Currently we only use name and version in workflows. source and license are informational.

    "name": "diffutils",
    "version": "2.8.7-1",
    "source": "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/gnuwin32/diffutils/2.8.7-1/diffutils-2.8.7-1-bin.zip",
    "licence": "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/diffutils.git/tree/COPYING"

then in the workflow file manifest.yml add an output in the outputs section.

    description: "diffutils version"
    value: ${{ jobs.set_versions.outputs.output18 }}

A new output will need to be defined for the jobs.

    output18: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.DIFFUTILS_VERSION }}

after which a github output variable will be created named uppercase($name)_VERSION=$version and can be used in subsequent workflows.

Using this workflow from another workflow

All of the workflows can be called from another workflow, however you will have to provide your own version of manifest.json.


The following dependencies are yet to be completed:

The following dependencies haven't been supported on Windows but potentially could be in the future under Meson.