dpcodebiz / npf-web-extension

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Network Performance Framework Web Extension

This repository is an extension to NPF (https://github.com/tbarbette/npf). The architecture has been built based on npf's internal architecture. It should be used along as part of npf's workflow.

It can also be used as a standalone tool. It is recommended to install the python package via pip install npf-web-extension.

For more advanced usage, the app can be built using the commands available below and then opening the template.html file inside a browser. After opening the file, the following command can be run inside the browser to display a configuration.


the signature of the updateConfiguration method is available inside the App.tsx file.

Available Scripts

npm start

Runs the app in development mode available at address http://localhost:3000

npm run test

Runs the test suite covering all methods used by the app

npm run coverage

Runs the test suite covering all methods used by the app

npm run build

Builds the app for production and optimizes it.

npm run deploy

Builds the app for production, optimizes it then prepares it for deployment.
